City of Prince George

Emergency Preparedness

An Emergency Bylaw provides for the establishment, administration and operation of an Emergency Response and Recovery Plan for the City. In the case of major emergency such as a flood or an earthquake, services might be interrupted without notice. Should this happen, the municipal emergency plan will be ready.

The Prince George Fire Chief is the Emergency Program Co-ordinator and is chair of the Emergency Planning Committee, which is comprised of City, RCMP, Fire, Communication and Ambulance officials.

The City of Prince George is prepared for emergencies. Are you?

Be prepared to be on your own without help for 72 hours or more, at home, in your car or at work. Securing your home and putting together an emergency kit is vital; it will give you peace of mind to know that your family is prepared.

Some basics in preparation are:

For a more extensive list, check out our disaster homepack [PDF].

Reception Centres

In the event of an emergency or disaster, reception centres will be set up for registration and inquiry. The number of reception centres that may be opened and set up would be dependant on the nature of the situation and the evacuation measures. Listen to your battery powered radio for further information.

The Emergency Social Services Committee plans for the provision of care at reception centres for evacuees, victims and emergency response workers. We have provided a short presentation (PDF - 623.16KB) on this subject.

Other Emergency Preparedness Agencies:

Here are some other pages that are worth checking out:


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