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Provincial Emergency Program

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Enquiry BC

Personal Preparedness
Drop, Cover
and Hold
Before During
Are you
Assessing Personal
Earthquake Risk

Earthquake Information

Current Earthquake Activity

Geological Survey of Canada

USGS Worldwide Earthquake Activity
in Last Seven Days

USGS World's Most Recent Quake Map

Sidney B.C. Pacific Geoscience Centre

High Risk Seismic Zone Map

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Photos of Earthquake Damage

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Pacific Ocean Plate Tectonics Diagrams

Pacific Ocean rim, referred to as the "Ring of Fire"  
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Cascadia Subduction Zone, off the west coast of North America  
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Animated Educational Material

  PBS Online (Note: You will need the free Flash plug-in to view these animations)

Click here to go to new Earthquake and Tsunami Smart manual Earthquake and Tsunami Smart Manual

Earthquakes are common in B.C. and more than 1,200 are recorded each year. Most are too small to be felt, but an earthquake capable of causing structural damage is expected to occur about once every ten years.

Tsunamis can be associated with earthquakes. Damaging tsunamis are a rare, but serious event. Find out what you can do now to make sure you and your family are prepared....
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