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Protective Services/Emergency Planning

Welcome to the RDN Emergency Planning section. In this section you will find information regarding the statutory authority that authorizes the RDN to maintain an Emergency Plan, information about our role in the event of a small or region wide emergency, and the many dedicated agencies who supplement the program. Please click on the navigational guides at the left to select and learn more about Emergency Planning and the District. Awareness of the Emergency Program, and what it can do for you and your loved ones will greatly assist in the event of an emergency.

For more information regarding the RDN Emergency Plan, please contact the Emergency Coordinator at 250-390-4111, (toll free) 1-877-607-4111, or by fax 250-390-7511.

Personal Emergency Preparedness Guidebook

This guidebook explains how you and your family can prepare for major emergencies. The guidebook includes sections on earthquakes, power outages, forest fires, floods, how the elderly and the disabled can access their needs, and much more.

[ Click Here ] to download a full copy of this valuable Guidebook (Please note that this is a 700 KB file)

A Hazard Vulnerability Risk Analysis (HVRA) is a critical part of every emergency program and is a requirement mandated by the Local Authority Emergency Management Regulation of the BC Emergency Program Act. Section 2(1) of this regulation requires local authorities to prepare emergency plans that reflect the local authority�s assessment of the relative risk of occurrence and the potential impact on people and property of the emergencies or disasters that could affect all or any part of the jurisdictional area for which the local authority has responsibility.

Click Here to download Hazard Vulnerability Risk Analysis� [ 6.5MB PDF File ]

Articles of Interest

THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPT. AT 250-390-4111 E-MAIL: ESSDisasterServices@rdn.bc.ca