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Community Emergency Planning, Response and Recovery

Quick links to the individual sections of this page:

The following links point to guides, references and forms which could be useful in preparing for, responding to and recovering from a local government emergency. It is not all-inclusive. Many other important references are on this Web site and may be accessed via the menu buttons at left.


Community Emergency Management Guide

To access the guide to assist with the development of an
emergency program
, Click here >>.

To access a complete step-by-step hazard, risk and
vulnerability analysis
(HRVA) tool kit, Click here >>.

To complete a community emergency program review
(CEPR) Click here >>.

A Guide to Business Continuity Planning
Click here >>

Legislation and Regulations

Emergency Program Act, 1996

Guide to the Emergency Program Act (2005)

Emergency Program Management Regulation, 1994

Compensation and Disaster Financial Assistance
Regulation, 1995

Local Authority Emergency Management Regulation, 1995

PEP Policy Bulletins
Click here >>


Emergency Operations Centre Checklists and Templates
EOC Organization Chart Click here >>
EOC Checklists Click here >>
EOC Display Boards Click here >>

Overview – Declaration of a State of Local Emergency
Click here >>

Pro formas – Sample Declaration of a State of Local Emergency Forms 
Click here >>

Overview – Evacuation Stages and Legislation
Click here >>

Overview – Disaster Response Routes
Click here >>

Emergency Operations Centre Operational Guidelines Click here >>

Disaster Financial Assistance Information
Click here >>


Operational Guidelines for Evacuations
(Revised July, 2005)

(pdf format)

Other Guidance

Canadian Forces Assistance to Municipal Governments


Summary of DFA Program

Community Disaster Recovery Guide revised Sept 2006

Download the whole document (pdf format)
Click here >>

Community Recovery Assessment - Information for Interviewers
Click here >>

Community Recovery Capacity & Needs Assessment Form
Click here >>

Access Community Recovery Form Templates
Click here >>

Send comments or suggestions on the document to PEP
Click here >>

One Step at a Time - A Guide to Disaster Recovery

A Step-by-Step Guide to Disaster Recovery
Click here >>

Download the whole document (pdf format)
Click here >>

Provincial Integrated Recovery Council (PIRC)

The Provincial Integrated Recovery Council is co-chaired by the Provincial Emergency Program. This council was created to provide a forum for the collaborative management of the many organizations that perform recovery services within the province. The Provincial Integrated Recovery Council coordinates the efforts of the many organizations engaged in recovery and fosters effective recovery programs to support the local authorities within the province.

The Council member organizations (in alphabetical order) includes:

  • BC Association of Specialized Victim Assistance and Counselling Programs
  • BC Housing
  • Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu-Chi
  • Canadian Disaster Child Care
  • Canadian Red Cross Society
  • Christian Reformed World Relief Committee
  • Emergency Social Services Association
  • Mennonite Disaster Services
  • Ministry of Children and Family Development
  • Ministry of Health
  • Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, Victim Services
  • Police Victim Services of British Columbia
  • St John Ambulance
  • Society of Saint Vincent de Paul
  • The Salvation Army

Affiliate member:

  • First Nations Emergency Services Society

The Provincial Integrated Recovery Council has developed a "Framework for Cooperation and Coordination" that outlines the roles and services provided by the members to support local authorities in their community recovery. Click here >>

A "Terms of Reference" document has been created. Click here >>

A working group of PIRC developed a "Standards of Conduct" that was adopted and approved by the Council. Click here >>

Funding and Support

Financial Assistance Guide for
Local Authorities and First Nations

Download the whole document (pdf format)-
Click here >>

Access Financial Assistance Emergency Response Forms-
Click here >>

Access Financial Assistance Emergency Recovery Forms-
Click here >>

Province to Assist Local Emergency Planning

News Release- Click here >>

Tsunami Preparedness Funding

News Release- Click here >>

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