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Kids and Teachers

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Teaching Aids

BC students need tools to help them develop life skill practices that will ensure their safety during or following an earthquake or other emergency or disaster.

Earthquakes Happen … Are You Ready? is one of those tools. Two learning resources were developed for teachers to proactively educate BC students in life safety practices through existing curriculum, one for grades K-7 Personal Planning and one for grades 8-12 Career and Personal Planning (CAPP).

Although the primary focus is on preparing students emotionally for earthquakes and enabling students to connect their learning and preparedness to home and community, the teaching aids are flexible enough to adapt to all disasters and emergencies.

The teaching aids are complete with instructional plans, scenarios, teacher backgrounders, student worksheets and annotated resources. Materials also support cross-curricular connections and other curricula such as English Language Arts K-1, Science 7, Technology Education 10, Geography 12, etc.

Grade-appropriate earthquake preparedness teaching aids have been distributed to all BC schools. Additional copies were also distributed to each school district office and some BC libraries.

Additional copies of the learning resources are available in a downloadable format on the PEP Web site.

The resources were developed by the Provincial Emergency Program (Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General) in partnership with the former Field Services and Curriculum Branch of the Ministry of Education and with the help of the Risk Management Branch of the Ministry of Finance.

Printing and distribution of these learning resources for BC's children was made possible through the financial support and sponsorship of the following partners: Savings and Credit Unions of British Columbia, Bank of Nova Scotia, Royal Bank Foundation and Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada (PSEPC) .

School Earthquake Safety Guidebook

The purpose of the School Earthquake Safety Guidebook is to assist school district staff, teachers, parents, and students to make their schools safer. Prepared for schools by the Ministry of Education Capital Planning Branch (December 2000 edition, pdf format).

Responsing to Critical Incidents
A Resource Guide for Schools

Principles to Advance Emergency Management in Schools

The Endorsement of Six Principles to Advance Emergency Management in British Columbia Schools outlines six key principles to to help schools be better

Risk Management for Outdoor Program Providers

This handbook is designed primarily for use by managers and instructors of outdoor programs in British Columbia's post-secondary institutions. Its purpose is to provide staff with a risk management resource that will help them conduct operations responsibly and help prevent accidents and injuries during field trips into wilderness and backcountry terrain. Typical post-secondary outdoor programs include those in outdoor recreation, physical education, natural history, and adventure tourism. Click here.

Lots of Games and Activities for Kids

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