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Legislative Assembly of British Columbia
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Legislative LibraryThe Legislative Library

About the Legislative Library of British Columbia

Library Hours

During sittings of the Legislature, the Library is only open to Members of the Legislative Assembly and legislative staff. The Library is open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. when the Legislature is not in session.

Who Are Our Clients?

Reference and research services are provided to the Members of the Legislative Assembly, their research staff, the Officers of the House, and legislative support staff. The Library may assist provincial government researchers and in some circumstances members of the public when this service does not conflict with the needs of the primary users.


The Library was founded in 1863 to serve the Colonial Legislature of Vancouver Island and subsequently the Province of British Columbia when it became a province of Canada in 1871. During its early years, the Library assumed responsibility for archival and provincial public library service, and, therefore, was often referred to as the Provincial Library. With the development of other larger library institutions, the Legislative Library re-focused its services on the primary legislative clientele.


The core collection consists of political science, parliamentary procedure, law, public administration, economics and Canadian history. There is also a significant collection of  British Columbia government publications and extensive holdings of Canadian federal and provincial publications.

Library Logo

The Library’s Logo is a linocut print of the entrance to the Legislative Library by an unknown artist. The print is a close replica of the entrance. The original linocut block was found in the attic in 1985. Its only previous, known use was on the cover of the British Columbia Library Association’s B.C.L.A. Bulletin of January 1955, when James G. Mitchell, Reference Librarian and later the Legislative Librarian (1974 to 1984), was editor of the quarterly publication.