
Building homes for athletes and our community

BC's construction industry will certainly benefit from the opportunities offered by the 2010 Winter Games. But, it takes more than construction companies to build world-class facilities like the Athletes' Village.

Located on the industrial lands of southeast False Creek, the Athletes' Village will be home to more than 2000 athletes and their coaches during the Games. The village will include training facilities and accommodations, as well as a dining hall, convenience store, medical clinic, post office and more. And, after the Games, it will be converted into 250 units of non-profit and 314 units of market housing, as well as offices and shops as a lasting legacy for the residents of Vancouver. As a direct result of the Games, an old industrial area will be cleaned up and transformed into an oceanfront neighbourhood.

Expertise from many businesses will be needed at each of the following stages:

Design development - architects, illustrators, interior designers.

Site remediation - companies specializing in site remediation, trucking firms.

Construction - a whole host of businesses, from the main contractor through to specialized trades including electricians, plumbers, painters and more.

Fit-out - furnishing the Athletes' Village with essential items (beds, lights, linen and towels, etc.)

During the Games - the 2000 athletes and their coaches will be touring around our city - shopping, eating and sightseeing - and will return home to share their experiences of Vancouver with their friends and families

Decommissioning - after the Games, all furniture will need to be removed, areas of the Village will be dismantled and sold, and others will need to be renovated to become housing; this will call on the services of rental companies and a variety of contractors.

Many of these opportunities could be posted on a central tendering website. But some businesses would benefit indirectly - for instance, illustrators and printers hired by the architects, labs contracted by remediation engineers, nearby restaurants frequented by workers during site construction, and equipment rental companies supplying demolition contractors who are hired to dismantle sections of the site.

Does your business provide any of these services? Can you leverage the strength of your existing network to position your company to pursue these types of opportunities? Can you help some of these businesses meet their needs before and during the Games?

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