2010 Commerce Centre

Sign Up for the 2010 Commerce Centre Newsletter

To subscribe to the 2010 Commerce Centre Newsletter, please enter your email address, select whether you want to receive the newsletter in HTML or text-only format and click Sign Up.

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eg. name@domain.com
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The personal information collected on this page is collected under the operating authority of the Ministry of Economic Development and is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RSBC 1996 c.165).The personal information collected will be used to subscribe or unsubscribe to the 2010 Commerce Centre newsletter, to review and determine reader interest in various types of content, to determine geographical coverage of the newsletter, to contact subscribers in the event of problems associated with the delivery of the newsletter to your email address (including the comparison of your email address to other 2010 Commerce Centre services you may have signed up for in order to fulfill this purpose), and to receive and update profile information as requested by you. For more information regarding the collection and use of your personal information please contact the Director of the 2010 Commerce Centre, BC Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Secretariat, (604) 660-0220, Brian.Krieger@gov.bc.ca.

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