2010 Commerce Centre
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Registration Information for My Business Profile

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*Business Contact Last Name
* Email
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Business Information

* Business Name
* Address
* City
* Country
* Province/State
* Post/Zip
* Phone
* Your Primary Business Activities

Consumer Products
Electrical Equipment
Food and Beverage Manufacturing
Furniture and Wood Product
Information Technology and Telecommunications
Medical / Biotechnology / Chemical
Mining / Petroleum / Gas
Plastics and Rubber Products
Primary and Fabricated Metal
Pulp and Paper
Service Industry
Textile and Clothing
Wholesale / Retail

*Categories of Interest

  • Unclassified
  • Apparel, Luggage, & Personal Care Products
  • Business & Professional Services
  • Business Type Identifiers
  • Chemicals & Gas
  • Cleaning Equipment & Supplies
  • Computer Equipment & Supplies
  • Construction & Building Supplies
  • Construction & Maintenance Services
  • Construction Machinery & Accessories
  • Defence & Security - Equipment & Supplies
  • Defence & Security Services
  • Domestic Appliances & Consumer Electronic Products & Supplies
  • Drugs & Pharmaceuticals
  • Education & Training Services
  • Electrical Systems, Lighting, & Supplies
  • Electronic Components
  • Engineering, Research, & Technological Services
  • Environmental Services
  • Farming & Fishing & Wildlife Contracting Services
  • Farming, Fishing, Forestry, & Wildlife - Equipment & Supplies
  • Financial & Insurance Services
  • Food, Beverage, & Tobacco Products
  • Fuels, Lubricants & Anti-Corrosive Materials
  • Furniture & Furnishings
  • Health Care Services
  • HVAC & Plumbing - Equipment and Supplies
  • Industrial Cleaning Services
  • Industrial Machinery & Accessories
  • Industrial Production & Manufacturing Services
  • Jewellery & Timepieces
  • Laboratory, Measuring, Observing, & Testing Equipment
  • Manufacturing Components & Supplies
  • Material Handling & Storage - Machinery & Supplies
  • Medical Equipment & Supplies
  • Minerals, Textiles, & Inedible Plant & Animal Materials
  • Mining Machinery & Accessories
  • Mining, Oil, & Gas Services
  • Musical Instruments, Toys, Crafts, Games, & Educational Equipment & Supplies
  • Office Equipment & Supplies
  • Organizations & Clubs
  • Paper Materials & Products
  • Personal & Domestic Services
  • Plants, Animals, & Supplies
  • Politics & Civic Affairs Services
  • Power Generation & Distribution - Machinery & Supplies
  • Printing, Photographic, Audio-Visual - Equipment & Supplies
  • Published Products & Signs
  • Resin, Rubber, Foam, Film, & Plastic Materials
  • Service Industry Machinery & Supplies
  • Sports, & Recreational Equipment & Supplies
  • Telecommunications Equipment and Components and Supplies and Accessories
  • Tools & General Machinery
  • Transportation, Storage & Mail Services
  • Travel, Food, Lodging, & Entertainment Services
  • Utilities, Broadcasting, & Public Sector Related Services
  • Vehicles & Parts - Private, Commercial, or Military
  • Writing, Design, & Art Services
Search Categories of interest

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Privacy Information

The personal information collected on this page is collected under the operating authority of the Ministry of Economic Development and is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RSBC 1996 c.165).The personal information collected will be used to subscribe or unsubscribe to the 2010 Commerce Centre newsletter, to review and determine reader interest in various types of content, to determine geographical coverage of the newsletter, to contact subscribers in the event of problems associated with the delivery of the newsletter to your email address (including the comparison of your email address to other 2010 Commerce Centre services you may have signed up for in order to fulfill this purpose), and to receive and update profile information as requested by you. For more information regarding the collection and use of your personal information please contact the Director of the 2010 Commerce Centre, BC Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Secretariat, (604) 660-0220, Brian.Krieger@gov.bc.ca.

The personal information collected on this page is collected under the operating authority of the Ministry of Economic Development and is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RSBC 1996, c. 165). The personal information collected will be used to register you to receive email notifications regarding current procurement opportunities, to contact registered users in the event of problems associated with the delivery of notifications to your email address (including the comparison of your email address to other 2010 Commerce Centre services you may have signed up for in order to fulfill this purpose), to provide you with related announcements and notification of events/workshops of interest in your geographical area, to review general overall use of the system by geographical area, to request your feedback regarding the services provided to you by the 2010 Commerce Centre, and to receive and update profile information as requested by you. Your personal information may be shared with the Federal governments Industry Canada’s system, SourceCan, and with other program areas within the Ministry of Economic Development in support of providing these services. For more information regarding the collection and use of your personal information please contact the Director of the 2010 Commerce Centre, BC Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Secretariat, (604) 660-0220, Brian.Krieger@gov.bc.ca.

* I have read the Privacy Notice and I agree with its terms and conditions

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