Scanning and Data Capture

Scanning and Data Capture

Scanning and Data Capture Services provides high speed scanning, image capture and data verification services.

Features of the service include:

  • Forms design using Teleform OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software
  • High quality imaging (TIF, PDF)
  • Evaluation of data on scanned forms
  • Multiple output formats (eg. CSV, XML)
  • Scanned forms prepared for offsite storage

The Document Scanning Services provides high speed scanning and data verification services using Fujitsu forms scanners and Teleform OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software.

We can design your form to meet our system requirements or use an existing form. We'll scan your forms, our system will evaluate and accept the data or send the data on for further verification. Our operators will visually verify any fields on the form that have been flagged for verification.

The Teleform OCR software allows our system to:

  • Evaluate data on your form when scanned
  • Imprint a sequential number onto a scanned form
  • Electronically stamp the same number on the image
  • Rename the image with the sequential number and output the image to an appropriate Windows directory.

The software can create multiple output file formats (example a TIF image) which can be burned to CD's or downloaded to your site for further processing and import to your application.

Features of the Document Scanning Services include:


  • Forms are created using Teleform software
  • Various sizes of forms to a maximum of 11 X 17 inches
  • Sequential Number Imprinter/Endorser capabilities
  • High quality images
  • Onsite verification of all scanned forms
  • Forms can be received via hard copy or fax
  • Scanned forms prepared for off site storage


  • A typical application can be scanned, evaluated and verified at a rate of 800 forms per hour

Cost Effective

  • Reduces the requirement for data entry
  • Removes the requirements for onsite storage of documents for information retrieval
  • Reduces paper handling

For further information on high speed scanning, contact
Gregg Hendry or the Production Planner for your ministry.