Government Forms

Forms Management Services


The Distribution Centre can develop a variety of flexible options for forms management. Forms management options include the following services:
Forms procurement (tendering and purchasing);
Inventory management of forms;
Storage and security of forms;
Picking, packing and shipping; and
Systems generated reports to meet customer requirements.

Government ministries and government funded organizations may arrange forms purchasing and distribution services by the DCV. The Distribution Centre provides controlled access by requiring and checking for authorized signatures before shipping high security forms such as purchase instruments.

A number of commonly used forms such as Travel Vouchers, Purchase Orders etc. are stocked at the Distribution Centre and listed in the catalogue.

In addition, on behalf of some ministries, the Distribution Centre manages and distributes forms which are unique to a specific program. These forms are purchased and distributed by the DCV, with unit costs charged either to the individual users or to a central account.

For more information on how the Distribution Centre can assist you by managing your forms inventory and/or distribution contact Deb Owen by phone at (250) 952-4463. or by email.