Distribution Centre - Victoria

a branch of PSS
Always working for you


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Distribution Centre - Victoria

Serving BC Government ministries, the broader public sector and publicly-funded agencies.  Also providing flags and lapel pins for sale to the general public.

Plus+ Services

Electronic Ordering

DCV has an electronic shopping cart program for ordering all of your office supplies. It is easy to use, always up to date with our latest products, has colour photos of items and a great search engine. Contact us at 250 952-4460 to be set up.

Government Forms

DCV carries general use government forms in our office supply catalogues (print and electronic). We also support other programs that provide their forms to their end users.


Corporate Supply Arrangements

Is there an office supply you can’t find in a DCV catalogue? Try using our Corporate Supply Arrangements to find it from our contracted suppliers. We have negotiated a 62% discount for you with Grand & Toy and Monk Office Supply.

Even taking that discount into consideration DCV will have the best price for you on products it carries.