Support Materials for Parents and Students

Provincial Exam Preparation Packages are available for students to hone their skills and test their knowledge before their exam. Written to address current exam specifications, these packages are more than just practice tests, they also provide study suggestions, explanations, notes on answers, and in some cases writing tips.

Provincial Exam Preparation Packages are available for:

  • English 12
  • Social Studies 11
  • History 12
  • Communications 12
  • English 10

Open School BC also has supplementary resources to help students. Some of these include:

  • Writing on the Run - interactive multimedia CD-ROM of grammar tutorials and practice quizzes for grades 9–12
  • Grammar on the Go! - grammar tutorials and practice exercises for grades 5–8
  • Primary Job Cards - parent assisted resource on language arts skills for grades 1–3
  • Survive Math 5 - a parent assisted resource for grade 5math fundamentals

Parents may purchase almost any Open School BC educational resource.

These resources provide additional learning materials so students can obtain:

  • practice or a different approached to a difficult subject
  • advanced study in a subject of aptitude or interest
  • completion of a missed subject or course

To receive credit; however, a student must be registered with a BC school district.

To find a school, course or program