QP Publication Services

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QP Publication Services

Providing services to BC Government ministries, the broader public sector and publicly-funded agencies.  Also providing publications for sale to the general public.

Plus+ Services

QP LegalEze

An on-line, easy to use searchable service to British Columbia legislative materials including: Current and Historical BC Statutes and Regulations, Orders-in-Council, Bills, Hansard, and more.

BC Legislation

Need to order Legislation? Our Print Copy Service is your solution.


BC Gazette

BC Gazette Part I provides information about notices to creditors restorations, incorporations and dissolutions, and BC timber sales.
When regulations are issued under the authority of an Act of the BC Legislative Assembly, they are published in BC Gazette Part II.

BC Codes

The BC Building Code 2006 applies to the construction of buildings, including extensions, substantial alterations, buildings undergoing a change for occupancy, and upgrading of buildings to remove an unacceptable hazard.