BC Codes

British Columbia Codes 2006

The British Columbia Codes 2006 provide the minimum requirements for a safely built environment and are the product of a unique partnership between industry practitioners, construction technology experts, and provincial regulators.

  • The BC Fire Code contains technical requirements designed to provide an acceptable level of fire safety within a community.British Columbia Fire Code 2006
  • The BC Building Code applies to the construction of buildings, including extensions, substantial alterations, buildings undergoing a change for occupancy, and upgrading of buildings to remove an unacceptable hazard.

    British Columbia Fire Code 2006

  • The BC Plumbing Services (Part 7 of the BC Building Code) applies to the design, construction, extension, alteration, renewal or repair of plumbing systems.

    British Columbia Plumbing Services (Part 7 of the BC Building Code)

The BC Codes 2006 also contain Application and Intent Statements. They are a new feature that will enhance your understanding of the Codes. The supplementary information they provide assists in the interpretation of the technical requirements. Due to the volume of Application and Intent Statements, these are only available on our online and CD-ROM products.