Web Delivery

If you require internet-based solutions for sales support, or need to use the Web to provide visibility and/or access for services, we can design and host fully interactive sites with the appropriate functionality.

Internet Web Page Design: To operate an internet web site, you will require a web server and additional communication lines, have to arrange for a domain name, and also have to learn HTML (HyperText Markup Language) to create web pages.

Instead, why not use the Queen's Printer web server and eliminate the need for your own equipment and associated problems. We have operated a site on the World Wide Web since 1994, and host web pages for a number of ministries. Contact us whether you have already created your web pages and just need to use our web server or if you have a concept on paper and want us to design and host your web pages.

We have the required hardware already in place to serve your needs.

Features include:

  • High-volume web server handling up to 500,000 queries per day;
  • On-line electronic forms to collect data;
  • Unique home address;
  • Image maps; and
  • Indexing capabilities

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