British Columbia Stories are a series of news features for both broadcast and print that allow media to have additional information about British Columbia. The broadcast stories are produced on split tracks for ease of stripping out the narrative, and without the graphic keys to allow for customized fonts. The intros, scripts and font information is available as is tape in both NTSC and PAL formats.
Prints stories include stills and additional information is available on request by emailing
Arts & EntertainmentBusinessTourism & SportsLifestyleHistory & Culture

Public art is well known to be a major contributor to the advancement of any city’s cultural and social growth. As the 2010 Winter Olympics approach, Vancouver Canada is undertaking a whole new face lift with a world class outdoor art show called Biennale.
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Art Town
Nelson is a hot bed of artistry, its culture is largely made up of artisans and performers from all walks of life. Not many small towns can boast this level of creativity.

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Doors to 2010
Gracing the entrance of British Columbia – Canada Place in Torino is a magnificent example of the native art work that is famous around the world as a representation of Canada and it’s first peoples. The doors to the log house represent the Four Host First Nations – these are the aboriginal nations that live in the area where the 2010 Winter Olympics will be held
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British Columbia - Canada Place
Harvested from forests deep in the Caribou region of British Columbia, these 15 inch diameter timbers are shaded a distinctive blue, indicating death by the Mountain Pine Beetle. Designed in the sweeping west coast style of architecture, British Columbia - Canada Place showcases Canadian industry and culture to the world at Torino 2006.
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Spirit of Bill Reid
We may not know the name of this British Columbia artist but his art reaches far and wide with it’s perfect expression of an ancient, aboriginal people and the beautiful, mystical land they call their own.
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Hollywood North
For years Hollywood back lots have been constructed to represent everything form ancient Rome to a space colony hundreds of years in the future. However, over the last 20 years, increasingly production has moved away from Hollywood. What do these producers know and why are they leaving Hollywood.
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Vancouver Harmony
You won’t know the names of the these three British Columbia men but between them they manage some of the biggest names in the music industry today. And they do it from one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
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