What is ActNow BC? And why? And who is it for? Simply, ActNow BC is the health promotion platform that is helping British Columbians live healthier lives by being more physically active, eating better foods, living tobacco free and making healthy choices

Healthy eating
Want to feel better? Have more energy? Make your mind and body stronger? Chances are you can – with just a few small changes in your eating habits.
Tobacco use
What if someone offered you $3,000 to throw away your cigarettes for good? That’s a lot of money – and it’s how much you’d save in just one year if you smoke a pack a day.

Healthy weight
What is a healthy weight? There is a range of weights that are healthy – based on your height.
Physical activity
At least two in five of us in British Columbia don’t get regular physical activity – which means we’re missing out on a whole host of benefits.

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