Today’s families are constantly on the go. There never seems to be enough time to do anything, let alone plan and eat healthy meals and get everyone involved in regular activity. But eating well and staying active are essential for parents and kids

Healthy eating for families
Did you know that kids who eat meals with their families are not only healthier but, according to studies, do better in school and are half as likely to run into problems with substance abuse as teenagers?
Healthy pregnancies
When it comes to health and pregnancy, you can never start too early. The healthier you are, the healthier your baby will be.

Physical activity for families
Kids and parents who are physically active tend to be healthier and happier. Physical activity is good for our bodies. It builds self-esteem. And when families are active together it helps build relationships, too.
Healthy weight for families
A BC study done in 2004 found that one in three boys and one in four girls in grades 4-6 were overweight or obese. That puts them at risk for health problems, not to mention issues with self-esteem and body image.

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