Healthy Schools

The concept of healthy schools has emerged out of a global movement that recognizes two key ideas:

  • healthy children are better able to learn, and
  • schools can directly influence children's health.

Provincial health prevention measures:

Action Schools! BC
A best practices physical activity and healthy eating model designed to assist schools in promoting healthy living.

School Fruit and Vegetable Snack Program
A pilot study that will provide one serving of B.C. grown fruits or vegetables, two times a week during the school year, for elementary school children.

Kick the Nic
A youth tobacco cessation program, delivered by health and education professionals in schools and community settings.

Way to Go!
An initiative that fosters safer, healthier travel alternatives for elementary and middle school students.

Health prevention partnerships:

Making it Happen: Healthy Eating at School
Provides schools with resources and ideas to help foster healthy eating habits in students.

Directorate of Agencies for School Health
DASH promotes Comprehensive School Health (CSH). The CSH model, commonly described as "a Healthy School", is a practical framework for students, families, schools, and communities to network and create plans to enhance student health and learning.

Provincial initiatives across Canada:

Active and Safe Routes to School
This Ontario-based program provides resources, tools, information and links for schools and communities to create their own unique Active and Safe Routes to School program.


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