VICTORIA — A strong economy, higher resource revenues and sound fiscal management helped generate a $3.1-billion surplus and a $1.5-billion reduction in provincial debt, Finance Minister Carole Taylor announced in releasing the Province's 2005/06 audited financial statements.  Read more >>

July 17 , 2006

Annual Service Plan Reports 2005/06

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British Columbia Government Annual Strategic Plan
Report 2005-2006
PDF (2,329KB)

Ministry Annual Service Plan Reports
  Office of the Premier
  Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation
  Advanced Education
  Agriculture and Lands
  Attorney General
Law Reform, Justice, Legal Services to Government and
Minister Responsible for Multiculturalism
  Children and Family Development
  Community Services
  Economic Development
  Employment and Income Assistance
  Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources
  Environment including Environmental
Assessment Office
  Finance and Associated Entities
  Forests and Range and Minister Responsible for Housing
  Labour and Citizens’ Services
  Public Safety and Solicitor General
  Small Business and Revenue
  Tourism, Sport and the Arts

Commission Annual Service Plan Reports
  Agricultural Land Commission
  BC Public Service Agency
  Environmental Assessment Office
(included with Ministry of Environment Service Plan)
  Forest Practices Board