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High Technology

High Technology Sector

The high technology sector is a growing part of British Columbia's diverse economy, offering the prospect of strong economic growth in the years to come as well as a local source of technology inputs to the province's resource-based industries.

The profile report is a joint project of BC Stats and Leading Edge BC.

Profile of the British Columbia High Technology Sector--2005 Edition
[released 30 Jan. 2006]

The indicators report is a joint project of BC Stats and Leading Edge BC.

Input Indicators of the British Columbia High Technology Sector--2005 Edition
[released 13 Mar. 2006]

High Tech Quarterly

High technology is a rapidly changing industry. With this in mind, BC Stats developed a quarterly publication, the High Tech Quarterly, to monitor quarterly growth in high tech GDP, revenue, employment, wages and salaries, exports and imports.

The High Tech Quarterly was a joint product of BC Stats and Leading Edge BC, but has now been discontinued. The last issue (complete with tables) offering preliminary data for 2004 and highlights from previous issues of the High Tech Quarterly are available for free.

High Technology and NAICS

The following is a paper discussing the transition from SIC to NAICS

High Technology Articles

The following are recent articles published by BC Stats in Business Indicators

High Technology Occupations

This series of papers examines the range of occupations within the high technology sector in BC, some (but not all) of which are defined as being "high technology occupations". Because these high technology occupations also exist in industries outside the high technology sector, the analysis also quantifies the number of high technology workers in other industries. The analysis uses data from the 1996 Census.

Background reports

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