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The BC Economic Accounts

Please note: Since January 2006, Statistics Canada has posted a System of National Accounts module on their site. This module offers free access to economic accounts information that is vital to understanding the national and provincial accounts.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Economic Accounts?

GDP: What does it mean and how is it measured?

Constant dollar estimates and implicit price indices

How are the British Columbia Economic Accounts structured?

Glossary and Notes


Sources and Methods

Quality Assessment of Estimates

Chain Fisher Volume Index methodology

Economic Accounts Data (Updated Nov 2006)

Annual Provincial Economic Accounts 2004-2005

BC GDP at Market Prices and Final Domestic Demand 1981-2005

Economic Activity: British Columbia and Canada 1990-2005

International and Interprovincial Trade Flows: 1981-2005 in Current $ and Chained $1997

BC Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, by Industry (Updated Nov 2006)
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS):

1984-1996 Current $

1997-2003 Current $

1997-2005 Chained 1997$

Tourism and High Technology Satellite Accounts 1997-2005

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