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Social Statistics

Frequently Asked Questions

Income Assistance and Employment Assurance

Regional Districts

Income Assistance Recipients - Latest Month

Employment Insurance Beneficiaries - Latest Month

Income Assistance and EI Beneficiaries - Latest Month

Income Assistance and EI Beneficiaries - Time Trend

Additional detail and breakouts by Local Health Area, School District and municipality are available on a fee-for-service basis. Contact Karen Calderbank at (250) 356-7870.

Also, Community Fact Sheets include IA and EI rates.

Socio-Economic Profiles and Indices and Aboriginal Profiles

Regional Socio-Economic Profiles

Revision notes:
Aug 2006Population projections revised; child abuse data updated

These profiles present data in tables and charts on population, economic hardship, labour market, education, crime, health and risk factors for children and youth for:

Regional Districts

Local Health Areas

Vancouver Local Health Areas

College Regions

School Districts

Health Sevice Delivery Areas

Health Authorities

Fraser and Georgia Basin.

Socio-Economic Profiles may be developed for user-specified regions on a fee-for-service basis.

Regional Socio-Economic Indices compare regions of the province to determine those most under stress under categories of economic hardship, crime, health, education and risk indicators for children and youth expressed as rates and indices. Data are presented in tables, charts and maps for:

Regional Districts

Local Health Areas

Aboriginal Profiles provide a picture of the aboriginal population on and off reserve with comparisons to the non-aboriginal population on a range of population, education and labour characteristics by College Region.

Education Data Links

BC College and Institute Student Outcomes Survey

K-12 (grade school)

Advanced Education

University Presidents' Council

Publications and Reports

Employment Equity in the BC Government
—Reports and Publications (BC Public Service Agency)

Youth Smoking Survey

Dwelling Characteristics and Household Equipment

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