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BC Regional Socio-Economic Profiles & Indices

Socio-Economic Profiles

Revision notes:
Aug 2006Population projections revised; child abuse data updated

The profiles consist of charts and tables for the 26 Regional Disticts, 78 Local Health Areas*, 16 Health Service Delivery Areas, 5 Health Authorities, and 15 College Regions within the Province of British Columbia. Also included are the special geographies of the Georgia and Fraser Basins.

* Partial profiles are available for the six Vancouver Local Health Areas.

Each region contains the following information:

  1. Map and communities
  2. Demographic profile
  3. Economic hardship
  4. Labour market structure
  5. Education concerns
  6. Crime
  7. Health problems
  8. Children at risk
  9. Youth at risk
The data is presented in a format that allows comparison to other regions in the province and to B.C. overall.

Socio-Economic Indices

The socio-economic indices summarize social and economic conditions over a wide variety of indicators into a single composite index for each region within the province. When viewed together, these indices provide a summary measure of the relative successes and challenges across all regions of the province. The indices are intended only to flag regions that may be experiencing higher levels of socio-economic stress relative to neighbouring areas. By themselves they don't tell us why a particular community or region is doing poorly or well, but rather form a necessary first step in determining the causal factors underlying the observed conditions.

The Indicators

Four basic indicators of regional hardship are presented, each a composite of a weighted combination of three or four variables. These four indicators are:
  • Index of Human Economic Hardship
  • Index of Crime
  • Index of Health Problems
  • Index of Education Concerns
Two additional indicators highlighting target groups are also presented:
  • Children at Risk
  • Youth at Risk
A final summary of the six indicators is presented as the:
  • Overall Regional Socio-Economic Index
In addition to the data variables that compose the six indicators, supplementary data variables have been compiled for background information, but have not been directly included in the calculation of the index. Click here for a complete list of the data variables that make up the various indices. For a report describing the methodology and data sources used in the calculation of the various indices click here.

New Edition: March 2006

Important Note:
Revised historical population estimates (benchmarked to the 2001 Census) incorporated into this edition make comparisons of some measures with past editions not possible.

The profiles and indices are produced by BC Stats with funding support from the Ministry of Employment and Income Assistance, Ministry of Children and Family Development, Ministry of Advanced Education, the Office of the Provincial Health Officer, Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation, Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of the Attorney General (Policy and Intergovernmental Relations), Ministry of Community Services, Ministry of Tourism, Sports and the Arts, and the Integrated Land Management Bureau.
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