Legal Services Society Legal Aid in BC since 1979


How to use this website

The main pages of this website have navigation buttons at the top, on the left-hand side, and at the bottom:

All links to external websites (and some internal links) open in another window. To return to the page on the LSS site that you came from, close the other window or choose the appropriate box from the taskbar at the bottom of your screen.

How to print or download files

To print out PDFs of multilingual publications, choose “Print,” then select “Print as image” from the dialogue box that comes up (see the upper right-hand side of the box), then click “OK.”

To download files from Netscape

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Information about Adobe Acrobat (PDF) files

Many of the publications on this website are posted as Acrobat files (also called Portable Document Format or PDF files). PDF files are compact, and they download quickly. They open and print easily from both Macintosh and PC computers. Pages you print from PDF files will look almost the same as they do on screen.

PDF files can be viewed using Adobe Acrobat Reader, a free program that is available from the Adobe website. The software is self-installing; all you do is double click on the installer file. Although Adobe Acrobat Reader is a large program (4 – 6 Mb) and may take more than an hour to download, you only have to do this once.

Many PDF files are made with bookmarks (a content list on the left-hand side of the page that lets you link to different sections in the PDF). Some multilingual PDF files on this site contain English bookmarks. To open these bookmarks, first open the PDF, then click on the navigation pane icon, which looks like this bookmark.

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How to use this website

How to print or download files

Information about Adobe Acrobat (PDF) files On this page