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Current Initiatives

Commission rescinds General Order #8314/78
(Subdivision of Land on a Quarter Section Basis in the Peace River and Northern Rockies Regional Districts)

The Commission was concerned that the General Order was out of date and being used contrary to the original purpose of the General Order. Rather than being used as a tool for creating transferable blocks of land for the encouragement and benefit of farming the Commission believed the General Order was being used more so today to create subdivisions for rural/estate residential purposes. The Commission was also concerned that good agricultural land was being subdivided based solely on parcel size and without consideration of the relevant agricultural issues or the agricultural appropriateness of the subdivision. [ More ]

ALC and Oil and Gas Commission Delegation Agreement
The Agricultural Land Commission has signed a delegation agreement under Section 26 of the Agricultural Land Commission Act, 2002 with the Oil and Gas Commission. This agreement effective April 1, 2004. [ More ]

ALC adopts Guidelines for Conservation Covenants in the ALR
The Commission is circulating recently adopted guidelines that will help conservation organizations and public agencies that are preparing conservation covenants which may prohibit or restrict farming in the ALR. The guidelines outline the principles the Commission follows in its decision-making, the referral procedure and the information requirements for covenants designed to protect environmental values on farmlands. The guidelines will also help the Commission in its review of proposed covenants. In its review the Commission strives to achieve an appropriate balance between agricultural and environmental values.
Guidelines for Conservation Covenants in the ALR

Private Managed Forest Land Program
The Forest Land Reserve Act, Private Land Forest Practices Regulation (BC Reg 318/99) and Forest Land Reserve Procedure Regulation (BC Reg 176/2002) have been repealed. The Forest Land Reserve designation has been eliminated.
Information for Local Governments
The Commission from time to time provides local governments and other parties of interest with information identifying upcoming changes.

Current information for local governments