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Crown Land Administration Division

The overarching mandate of the new Crown Land Administration Division is to ensure a balanced approach to Crown land use so that British Columbians, now and in the future, can enjoy a sustainable flow of economic, environmental and social benefits. The Division is responsible for the development of a strategic and operational Crown land-use and allocation policy framework for the Province. While responsibility for the management and allocation of provincial resources is shared among several provincial ministries, the Division will strengthen the level of integration between the policies that guide each of these agencies. Key strategies include:
  • lead the development of a responsive provincial strategic Crown land tenuring framework;
  • work collaboratively with industry, local government, First Nations and provincial government agencies;
  • develop and implement a mutually collaborative and effective partnership with ILMB that supports seamless delivery of services; and
  • review and develop, as necessary, a current pricing policy to ensure the province receives optimal value from specified Crown land transactions.

The Crown Land Administration Division is made up of five branches. They are:

  • Strategic Land Policy
  • Land Program Services
  • Crown Contaminated Sites
  • Corporate Land Priorities
  • Major Projects



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