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Environmental Assessment Office

Who we are - What we do.

The Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) is a neutral provincial agency that coordinates assessment of the impacts of major development proposals in British Columbia. It reports to the Honourable Barry Penner, Minister of Environment.

Environmental, economic, social, heritage and health effects are all considered in the assessment process. The intent of the process is to identify any foreseeable adverse impacts throughout the life cycle of a project - including construction, start-up, operation and shut-down - and to determine ways to eliminate, minimize or mitigate those impacts. The EAO is responsible for ensuring project assessments:

  • are comprehensive and technically sound;
  • involve all potentially interested parties;
  • are conducted in an open, timely and efficient manner; and
  • adhere to the legislation.

The assessment process results in recommendations to either grant or refuse an Environmental Assessment certificate. The recommendations are considered, and a decision made by the Minister of Environment and a second appropriate minister.



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