About Us

Service BC is part of government’s commitment to enhance the delivery of citizen-centered services to the people of British Columbia by providing services online, by phone and in person.

Service Delivery to Citizens and Businesses

BC Online Partnership Office
The BC Online Partnership Office manages and monitors how services are delivered through BC OnLine, and facilitates the use of BC OnLine for legal and business professionals. For more information visit BC OnLine.

BC Stats
BC Stats produces and interprets statistical information about British Columbia. The topics are wide-ranging: from population and labour market figures, to business and economic data. BC Stats provides a variety of services, including producing monthly or quarterly reports, as well as providing custom work on a fee-for-service basis. Some BC Stats releases require a subscription or can be purchased one issue at a time from the BC Stats web store. For more information on services available to you visit BC Stats.

Service Delivery Operations
Service Delivery Operations is responsible for the management and operation of 59 Government Agent Offices, Community Access Terminals and the Enquiry BC Contact Centre.

    Government Agents offer hundreds of services on behalf of more than 30 government ministries and agencies to citizens, visitors, businesses and client agencies.

    Community Access Terminals are available in all Government Agent Offices, as well as the McBride Community Services Centre and Parksville Municipal Hall, for those who do not have access to a computer at home or at work. Assistance is available for those who require it.

    The Enquiry BC Contact Centre provides up-to-date government information over the telephone available toll-free to all British Columbia residents. Additional services provided by Enquiry BC are Multiple Address Change, Blue Pages, and B.C. Government Telephone Directory.

Service Delivery Planning

Service Delivery Planning and Business Development
The Service Delivery Planning and Business Development Branch provides division-wide support for business development; service level agreements; and, service and performance planning and management.

Service Delivery Initiative Office
The Service Delivery Initiative Office focuses on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the way government services are designed and delivered to the public through networking and collaboration with ministries, other levels of government, the broader public sector and the community-based private sector.

For more information visit the Service Delivery Initiative Office.

Online Channel Office
The Online Channel Office is responsible for government-wide web services, including content management, search tools, analytics and authentication.