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Mineral Titles Online
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Q. When are claims going to be acquired with the new system?

Mineral Titles Online is scheduled for implementation on Wednesday, January 12, 2005.

Q. At what time of day will claims forfeit?

All claims, whether they are existing legacy claims or new cell claims, will forfeit at midnight (which is the end of the day) of the expiry (anniversary) date.  This is no change from the present legislation.  However, under the current legislation, if a due anniversary date occurs on a weekend or statutory holiday when the office is closed, a recorded holder has the right to record work or cash in lieu of work on the next business day.  This will not be applicable under MTO.

Q. What time does cell claim registration commence after the forfeiture of a prior title over that ground?

Under MTO, cell acquisition using the online Map Selection process can occur 24 hours a day.  Where an existing cell claim forfeits (at midnight), the cell is open for registration immediately.  Where a legacy claim forfeits, the overlying cell is likewise immediately open for registration unless the cell was previously acquired.

Q. Will the time change due to the Mountain Time Zone, or if I am elsewhere in a different time zone?

Our system has a clock that clients will view on all MTO screens.  This is referred to as the “server clock.”  The server clock will be based on Pacific Time and title forfeiture will occur according to this time.

Q. What if I choose to use a government office rather than a PC at home; is the " Office" open 24 hours?

The system will run 24 hours.  Government staffed offices will continue to be open regular office hours only.

Q. How will I make a payment when I register claims or other transactions from my home or office PC?

All payment transactions carried out on line will initially be by credit card payment using either Visa or MasterCard.  Government intends to extend electronic payment to debit cards in the future.  We are also looking at other options such as a draw down account which would allow clients to draw down online.

Q. Will I be able to pay by cash or pay by cheque?

Cash and cheque payments must occur at a Service BC (Government Agent) office or the Victoria and Vancouver Mineral Titles offices.  Clients will register transactions online at a terminal in these offices if they wish to use cash or cheque payment.  These offices will maintain regular government business hours and therefore not be available 24 hours a day.

Q. Will the "Cell" or unit size be in a Lat/Long system or will it be in a UTM format?

The coordinates for the cells will be in UTM NAD 83 format.

Q. After a cell claim has been acquired from the government for a prospecting purpose, will it be a requirement to define this block in the field?

There will be no mandatory requirement to delineate the claim boundaries in the field. Many clients will want to take advantage of qualified GPS observations to ensure their exploration programs are within the boundaries of their title holdings.

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