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Mineral Titles Online
Minister's Letter

Dear Free Miner:

As part of government’s commitment to increase mining exploration and development activity in British Columbia, we are enhancing mineral title administration by moving towards a map selection system. This means that a free miner will acquire mining rights by selecting a claim on a map when the new system is implemented, rather than staking a claim on the ground.

After initial implementation, map selection will reduce costs for both government and industry. A free miner will acquire a claim using an online transaction system that updates the claim map automatically. The holder immediately receives secure title, because claims no longer overlap and costly staking disputes that delay exploration will be a thing of the past.

Ministry staff will be meeting with free miners to receive input on developing business rules to ensure that map selection works for British Columbia. Map selection will not be implemented until April 2004, ensuring that the development of the electronic commerce transaction system works efficiently for free miners. It also gives free miners two years to adjust their business practices to capitalize on the change to map selection.

The Ministry is currently launching the consultation phase of the Map Selection Implementation Project. Workshops will be scheduled for many regional centres. I encourage you to attend the nearest workshop and provide your input into the design of the business rules for map selection.

Your input during the consultation phase of this project is important - it will ensure that map selection works in British Columbia and we can continue to restore British Columbia’s economy and foster renewed economic growth.

Yours truly,
Richard Neufeld
Minister of Energy and Mines

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