Office of the Chief Information Officer Information Security Information Security, Office of the Chief Information Officer

Popular Topics

Malicious Code
Virus, Hoax
, Phishing Information


Security Digest News

  Security Tips and Best Practices
Tip of the Day

Core Business

Information  Security Org Chart Adobe Acrobat Reader Required (PDF 17KB)  
Education & Awareness  
Security Strategies  
Detection and  Compliance  

Investigations & Forensics
Incident Response

Information Security Branch

The Information Security Branch is a unit of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) office. The branch is responsible for ensuring a secure information environment for all of government. The focus of our business is to protect, detect and respond to the information security needs of government.
More about Information Security Branch


How's your security awareness?
  • Learn about 'phishing' in this Microsoft video and find out about phishing e-mail scams and how they are used for identity theft. 3:32 min.

Information Security Awareness Online - Questions, video and PowerPoint are combined to provide education sessions on information security.

Think Security

Information Security Contacts

Programs and Services

Security Awareness


Security Presentations Library

NewFall 2006 Information Security Day Presentations

Business Continuity Management Program

Other Links

More Security Information
  Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada
IT Knowledge Center

We welcome your feedback about our Web site.

  Last Revised: December 22, 2006