Message from the Minister and
Accountability Statement

Photograph -- Honourable Ida Chong.It is my pleasure to present the 2005/06 Annual Service Plan report for the BC Public Service Agency. The following report describes the activities and achievements of the BC Public Service Agency for fiscal 2005/06.

During the 2005/06 reporting year, the Agency continued with its commitment to attract, recruit and retain the highest caliber public service employees in order to best serve the needs of British Columbians.

In partnership with its ministry clients, the Agency plays a leadership role to ensure B.C.'s public service is planning for the workforce of the future. This forward thinking is about meeting critical needs where there are shortages, ensuring that the public service has the requisite supports and practices to compete in the talent marketplace. At the same time, the Agency is building capacity from within, to develop a continual supply of qualified candidates to fill key roles. Capacity building — and delivering measurable results — depends on the best utilization of the skills and knowledge of public service employees.

Part of retaining an effective public service is honouring their work. The Agency assisted in organizing the second annual Premier's Innovation and Excellence Awards earlier this year. Highlighting the accomplishments of the public service achieves a strengthened pride and identity among employees, as well as enhancing the external reputation of the public service.

As the Government works toward its goals in the areas of education, health care, safer communities and other priority services, the work of a committed public service is essential. This is especially the case as the Agency continues to confront challenges imposed by an environment of increasing competition for talent, compounded by an aging public service workforce. A dedicated public service is the cornerstone of government effectiveness. It is through public servants in all areas of our province that the vision and goals of government are made real. I thank and commend each member of BC's public service for their innovation, responsiveness, resourcefulness and creativity that directly contributes to our success both at home and internationally.

The 2005/06 BC Public Service Agency Annual Service Plan Report compares the actual results to the expected results identified in the Agency's September 2005 update of the 2005/06 – 2007/08 Service Plan. I am accountable for those results as reported.

Honourable Ida Chong
Minister of Community Services

June 30, 2006

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