Ministry of Economic Development

Investment Capital
International Business Centres
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Enhancing Economic Development
International Business Centres - Profile

There are two complementary elements to the development of British Columbia as a Pacific Rim Gateway - its position as a transportation and communications hub, and as a business centre in support of international trade and investment.

Opportunities in the former are largely demand driven by passenger and cargo volumes between Asia and North America. However, in some respects, demand can be attracted by transportation and communication services which better compete with other ports on the west coast of the U.S.A.

Opportunities to develop Vancouver as a Pacific Centre for trade, investment and business activity are related to the transportation/communication infrastructure, but are driven more by the supply of services to international business. The province is able to attract international investment and business activity by supplying international organizations with the services and institutional infrastructure which they require in order to operate effectively. The international business centres are catalysts for this activity. They include: