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Welcome to the Employee Share Ownership Program (ESOP)




Employee Ownership Benefits

Business Succession Planning Program Incentives


Plan Registration

Sample Plans

Share Valuation


Share Offering

Tax Credits








Our office has moved to Victoria effective January 1, 2006 


New Location:

7th Floor, 1810 Blanshard Street

Victoria, British Columbia 


Mailing Address:

PO Box 9800, Stn Prov Govt

Victoria, British Columbia  V8W 9W1


Toll Free:  1-800-665-6597

Phone:     250-952-0136

Fax:         250-952-0371



Find a Professional Advisor

A list of accountants, lawyers, and investment advisors to assist you in registering and financing an ESOP plan.



  Frequently Asked Questions

  ESOP Program Brochure

  Contact Us