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Asia Pacific Initiative

The Ministry of Economic Development leads and implements strategies and initiatives dedicated to creating a strong provincial economy and competitive business climate. As such, the Ministry is also the lead for the government’s special focus on the Asia Pacific.

To achieve its Asia Pacific objectives, the Province is working to expand the capacity of its infrastructure and to enhance the ability of its people, institutions and businesses to fully engage with Asia Pacific.

British Columbia has the advantage of a greater proximity to the major markets of East Asia than any other industrialized region of North America. In addition, B.C. has 22 per cent of its immigrant population from Asia, which is the highest percentage on this continent.

The Premier’s Asia-Pacific Trade Council was appointed on September 22, 2005, to make recommendations on opportunities to leverage the Province’s unique gateway location - its ports and transportation infrastructure, multi-cultural society and natural links with the Asia Pacific - in order to maximize commerce to the benefit of all British Columbians and Canadians.

The Asia Pacific Trade Council will, through commissioning of research and the creation of committees and advisory groups across markets and industry sectors, make recommendations to the Premier in all areas affecting the success of British Columbia’s commerce with the Asia Pacific region.

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