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Fee Schedule

This information is provided as a service to the public and is not intended as a replacement or interpretation of the legislation. Some fees shown are authorized by Ministerial Directive under the Financial Administration Act.

Note: Refunds will not be processed for amounts under $10 unless specifically requested by the client.

Your cheque or money order should be made payable to the Minister of Finance.

GST is not applicable

GENERAL FEES - the following fees apply to all acts under the Corporate Registry
To approve and reserve a name
To obtain a search of each corporation or file:
  • By persons other than government personnel (not using a government computer)
  • By government personnel
To obtain copies or an extract of any document or record:
  • Search fee
  • Plus photocopy fee per page
  • Total (plus $0.50 for each additional page)
$10.50 +
To obtain a certificate of good standing:
  • Certificate
  • Search fee
  • Total
To obtain a certificate of status:
  • Certificate
  • Search fee
  • Total
To obtain a letter under seal:
  • Basic fee
  • Search fee
  • Total
To obtain a certified copy of any document or record:
  • Basic fee
  • Search fee
  • Photocopy fee per page
  • Total (plus photocopy fee)
$35.00 +
Priority Service for EACH service requested (when offered) (plus filing fee)
$100.00 +
Prevetting of any document or record, prior to filing (when offered)
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To incorporate a B.C. Company:
  • Basic fee
  • Name approval fee
  • Total
To register an extraprovincial company:
  • Basic fee
  • Name approval fee
  • Total
To convert a special Act corporation to a British Columbia company:
  • Basic fee
  • Name approval fee (where applicable)
  • Total
To register an amalgamation of British Columbia or extraprovincial companies:
  • Basic fee
  • Name approval fee (where applicable)
  • Total
To change the name of a company or register a change of name of an extraprovincial company:
  • Basic fee
  • Name approval fee (where applicable)
  • Total
To file a Notice of Alteration
To continue a company into British Columbia:
  • Basic fee
  • Name approval fee
  • Total
To continue a company out of British Columbia, including an amalgamation into a foreign corporation
For a company's or extraprovincial company's registrar approved or court ordered full restoration or conversion of a registrar approved or court ordered limited restoration to a full restoration:  
  • Basic fee
  • Name approval fee (where applicable)
  • Each Annual Report
  • Each Notice of Change of Directors
  • Total
$380.00 +
For a company's or extraprovincial company's registrar approved or court ordered limited restoration of a company:
  • Basic fee
  • Name approval fee (where applicable)
  • Total
To file a future dated filing (Form 1, 11, 13 or 14)
To withdraw a future dated filing
To file an annual report
To file a transition application or a post-restoration transition application
No fee
To obtain a transition package (consisting of a certified copy of the memorandum and articles and a Transition Guide)
To approve or reserve an assumed name
To obtain a certified record
To file any document, other than a transition application or a post-restoration transition application, for which there is no other fee
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To register a proprietorship or general partnership:
  • Basic fee
  • Name approval fee
  • Total
To register a limited partnership:
  • Basic fee
  • Name approval fee
  • Total
To register a B.C. or extraprovincial limited liability partnership:  
  • Basic fee
  • Name approval fee
  • Total
To file an annual report for a B.C. or extraprovincial limited liability partnership
To file any other document for a B.C. or extraprovincial limited liability partnership
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To incorporate, register, amalgamate or restore a B.C. or extraprovincial society:
  • Basic fee
  • Name approval fee
  • Total
To change the name of a B.C. society:
  • To alter the constitution
  • Name approval fee
  • Total
To change the name of an extraprovincial society:
  • Basic fee
  • Name approval fee
  • Total
To alter the constitution or bylaws
To obtain Occupational Title Protection
To file an annual report
To file any document for which there is no other fee
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To incorporate a B.C. association or register an extraprovincial association:
  • Basic fee
  • Name approval fee
  • Total
To change the name of a B.C. or extraprovincial association:
  • Basic fee
  • Name approval fee
  • Total
To amalgamate or restore a B.C. or extraprovincial association:
  • Basic fee
  • Name approval fee
  • Total
To alter the memorandum or rules
To file an annual report
To file any document for which there is no other fee
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