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Limited Liability Partnerships


Each partnership or foreign partnership must first have the name of the limited liability partnership or extraprovincial limited liability partnership approved.

Once the name is approved, a B.C. partnership must file a Registration Statement, Form 1, and a foreign partnership must file a Registration Statement, Form 4. For additional registration information, review the cover sheets for the Form 1 and Form 4.

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The eight forms established by the registrar for limited liability partnerships are listed below.

B.C. Limited Liability Partnerships:

Extraprovincial Limited Liability Partnerships:

  • Form 4, Registration Statement (PDF143KB)
  • Form 5, Annual Report (PDF41KB)
  • Form 6, Changes to Registration Statement (PDF40KB)
  • Form 7, Notice of Change of Attorney (PDF41KB)
  • Form 8, Notice of Change of Address of Attorney (PDF37KB)

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B.C. Limited Liability Partnerships:

Extraprovincial Limited Liability Partnerships:

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