Ministry of Labour and Citzens' Services.

BC Geographical Names

Digital Gazetteer

The Gazetteer of British Columbia is a spreadsheet of all official place names, their feature type, feature code, mapsheet, latitude & longitude. The Gazetteer is extracted daily from the BC Geographical Names Information System (BCGNIS), the master database of British Columbia place names.

The Gazetteer of British Columbia is now available free of charge as a Microsoft Excel Comma Separated Values (csv) file. Feature Definitions and a Feature Code & Category Hierarchy are also included as separate attachments, to allow users to customize their own subset of the Gazetteer.
Gazetteer file size is 2.61 MB (2,743,789 bytes)

to receive a free electronic copy of the BC Gazetteer

The Bureau is committed to provide client-focused, high quality, integrated Crown land and resource management and information services to British Columbians.
Search the Database

Your query accesses the BC Geographical Names Information System (BCGNIS), the master database for British Columbia's place names.