Ministry of Labour and Citzens' Services.

Base Mapping and Geomatic Services


Air Photo Specifications
Aerial Photography flown and produced with government funds in whole, in part or in kind must satisfy the Specifications. You will find the necessary specifications for: Photography, Indexing, Database files, Scanning, and Aerial Photographic Products.

Trim Specifications
TRIM 1:20,000 scale mapping specifications provide the basis for the official base mapping in British Columbia. These specifications include those required by mapping contractors and partners involved in the data capture and production of base mapping

Specification Updates Effective April 01, 2004

Geo Spatial Standards, Specification and Guidelines

  • Documents describing how positioning (i.e. surveying, mapping, etc.) accuracies are classified.
  • Documents describing the accuracy and procedural requirements for the following types of surveying ...
  • Control Surveys using conventional surveying equipment (e.g. theodolites, EDMs, levels, etc.).
  • Control surveys using GPS technology. (0.001-1.0 metre accuracy)
  • Mapping/inventory surveys should be done using GPS technology. (1-10 metre accuracy) ..