Corporate Data Management Services


The role of Corporate Data Management Services (CDMS) is to support the core ILMB business of Resource Information Management. This is achieved through the administration and management of provincial land and resource information.

CDMS facilitates data access and delivery to government and non-government clients by a variety of means, including web-based tools.

CDMS staff provide Data Architecture and Administration Services including Data Standards, Data Registry, Data Management, Corporate Metadata, Discovery Services, Access and Distribution Support, and other data support activities.

This site is of principal interest to:

  • Ministry Data Managers
  • BC Government Data Managers
  • ILMB Staff
  • Ministry Systems Contractors
Key DMS Initiatives
  • Corporate & Regional Data Transition
  • Corporate Metadata
  • Data Access and Delivery (FCBC / FRPA)
  • Data Retirement & Archive