Ministry of Labour and Citzens' Services.

BC Geographical Names

BC Geographical Names Information System
(BCGNIS) - Search Options

Your query accesses the BC Geographical Names Information System (BCGNIS), the master database for British Columbia's place names.

Search By Name
  • Search by name, or part of a name.
  • Use wildcards to replace one or more characters.
  • Search for names that "sound alike" .
  • Display search results on a map of BC (optional).
  • Access details about each name from results screen.
  • Link former official names to current name.
Search within a Bounding Box
  • Search for names in a specific area.
  • Define your bounding or perimeter coordinates using Degrees, Minutes and Seconds
  • Access details about each name from results screen.
  • Link former official names to current name.
Recent Naming Decisions
  • Search for new, changed or rescinded names.
  • Select from several time frames.
  • Access details about each name from results screen.
  • Link former official names to current name.
Nisga'a Names
  • Access Nisga'a Treaty names & name changes using an interactive map of Nisga'a Lands.
  • View photos provided by Nisga'a Tribal Council.
  • Hear a Nisga'a Elder pronounce the names.

The Bureau is committed to provide client-focused, high quality, integrated Crown land and resource management and information services to British Columbians.
Search the Database

Your query accesses the BC Geographical Names Information System (BCGNIS), the master database for British Columbia's place names.