Honourable Richard Neufeld

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November 20, 2006

B.C. Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Richard Neufeld (second from left) and Bill Huzar (second from right), President of the Consumers Council of Canada joined Stephen Molnar (far left) and Brad Dixon (far right) of the North American Insulation Manufacturer’s Association (NAIMA) to remind consumers that it’s easier than ever to purchase energy-saving products and building materials, which are exempt from the seven per cent Provincial Sales Tax until March 31, 2007.

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November 17, 2006

B.C. Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Richard Neufeld (left), Helen Iosfin (centre), BC Hydro’s Distribution Planning for Field Operations manager, and Julius Pataky (right), BC Transmission Corporation’s Vice-President of System Planning and Asset Management joined dignitaries from the Fort St. John area to celebrate the Fort St. John Area Transmission Reinforcement Project on Nov. 17, 2006. The project is comprised of a new 138/25 kilovolt substation and a new 57-kilometre, 138 kilovolt overhead transmission line. Construction of the transmission line is now complete, while the substation is expected to be in-service in December.

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October 6, 2006

Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Minister Richard Neufeld (sixth from left) and Community Services Minister Ida Chong (seventh from left) announced $450,000 to support energy efficiency and community energy planning projects in 16 communities throughout British Columbia on Oct. 25 during the Union of British Columbia Municipalities convention in Victoria. The Ministers were joined by representatives of communities who have received funding for local energy efficiency projects under the Community Action on Energy Efficiency (CAEE) program including Abbotsford, Campbell River, Capital Regional District, Kamloops, Regional District of Central-Kootenay, Regional District of New Westminster, Port Moody, Squamish, Surrey, Vanderhoof, Bowen Island, Islands Trust, Kelowna, Saanich and Smithers. Twenty-nine communities are now participating in the CAEE program, which brings B.C. closer to the Government’s goal of having at least 50 communities actively engaged in energy efficiency by 2010.

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October 6, 2006

B.C. Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Richard Neufeld (at right) joined Keyera Energy President & CEO for the ceremonial opening of a new 48-kilometre natural gas pipeline at Keyera’s Caribou Gas Plant north of Fort St. John on Oct. 6, 2006. The pipeline crosses and extends north of the Buckinghorse River and will be part of the Caribou North Gas Gathering System. The pipeline will help generate natural gas sales and processing revenues, bringing additional royalties to the Province as well as new employment and training opportunities for British Columbians in the thriving oil and gas sector.

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October 5, 2006

Partnerships between government, industry, First Nations, communities and the service sector are how British Columbia will move forward into a new era of growth and prosperity, said B.C. Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Minister Richard Neufeld in his keynote address at the 2006 Oil and Gas Conference held Oct. 3 – 5 in Dawson Creek. B.C.’s oil and gas industry is booming, with increases in industry investment and drilling activity in 2006. The Minister stressed the importance of building strong partnerships to develop a larger and more prosperous oil and gas industry in northeastern British Columbia.

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September 29, 2006

B.C. Energy Mines and Petroleum Resources Minister Richard Neufeld (left) presented a cheque for $500,000 to Dan Jepsen, President and CEO of the Association for Mineral Exploration BC, for the Aboriginal Minerals Training and Employment Program on Sept. 29, 2006. The program is a multiyear integrated employment program designed to increase the participation of Aboriginal people in British Columbia’s growing mineral exploration and mining industry. Also pictured are (from left to right) Michael McPhie, President and CEO of the Mining Association of BC; John English, Dean of the School of Construction and the Environment, British Columbia Institute of Technology; and Rob Stevens, Program Head of the School of Construction and the Environment, British Columbia Institute of Technology.

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October 3, 2006

B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell (second from right), Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Minister Richard Neufeld (second from left) and Peace River South MLA Blair Lekstrom (far left) joined Encana’s President of the Canadian Region Mike Graham (centre) and Northern Society of Oilfield Contractors & Service Firms Past-President Barb Caldwell to sign the inlet pipe at the ceremonial opening of Encana’s Steeprock natural gas processing plant on Oct. 3, 2006. The $60-million plant, which is located near Dawson Creek, is a major investment in the B.C. energy sector and has the capacity to process 198 million cubic feet of gas per day. The Steeprock facility is the largest producer of natural gas in British Columbia, with 460 million cubic feet of natural gas production per day in 2005.

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September 26, 2006

B.C. Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Richard Neufeld delivered a keynote address on the Provincial Government’s success in developing the province’s energy resources at the 2006 Energy Roundtable, an annual conference that facilitates private-sector investment and growth in Canadian energy markets. Senior representatives from energy companies, utilities, engineering and financial service firms from across the globe gathered at the Ranchmen’s Club in Calgary, Alberta, on Sept. 26 for the third annual event. The theme of this year’s conference was “Building the Future: Canada, an Emerging Energy Superpower” and focused on the major drivers of investment in energy infrastructure in Western Canada.

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September 15, 2006

Minister Richard Neufeld (left) joined Al Thorlakson, President & CEO, Tolko Industries Ltd. (centre) and Jonathan Rhone, President & CEO, Nexterra Energy Corp. (right) to celebrate the launch of Tolko Industries Ltd.’s new gasification plant located at its Heffley Creek Plywood Division, about 20 kilometres north of Kamloops. The plant will cut both fuel costs and greenhouse gas emissions from the facility.

Using technology developed by Nexterra Energy Corp., the new “syngas” plant converts wood residue from fibre used in plant operations to low-cost, clean, thermal energy. This energy replaces the use of high-cost natural gas and moves the mill closer to energy self-sufficiency.

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September 12, 2006

Minister Richard Neufeld (centre) cuts the ribbon to officially open the doors to the National Research Council Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation (NRC-IFCI) at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. From left to right: Mr. Sherif Barakat, Vice President Engineering National Research Council Canada; Minister Kevin Falcon; Ms. Maja Veljkovic, Director General National Research Council Canada - Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation; Ms. Ardath Paxton-Mann, Assistant Deputy Minister, Western Economic Diversification; Mr. Paul Howard, Chairman of Hydrogen & Fuel Cells Canada; and Mr. Don Avison, President the University President's Council.
The NRC-IFCI is Canada’s premier applied research organization dedicated to supporting Canada’s hydrogen and fuel cell industry. The new building is designed to facilitate research and encourage communication and collaboration. The building has labs and a hydrogen fueling station, and the building itself includes fuel cell technologies such as photovoltaic hydrogen production.

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Click here for full-size photo.   September 11, 2006

Environment Minister Barry Penner (left) joined Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Minister Richard Neufeld (third from left), Oak Bay-Gordon Head MLA Ida Chong (third from right) and Columbia Fuels Inc. CEO Jim Smith (far right) as Columbia Fuels driver James Moore (second from left) delivered a fill-up to Barrie Hewstan (second from right), B.C.’s first BioHeat customer. Columbia Fuels launched its new plant-based line of heating fuel in Oak Bay with its first residential BioHeat fill-up on Sept. 11. Columbia Fuels is the first company in Canada to offer BioHeat, which is used extensively in the United States and Europe.

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September 11, 2006

Columbia Fuels driver James Moore (left) delivered a fill-up to Barrie Hewstan (second from right), B.C.’s first BioHeat customer, on Sept. 11 joined by Environment Minister Barry Penner (second from left), Oak Bay-Gordon Head MLA Ida Chong (third from left), Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Minister Richard Neufeld (third from right) and Columbia Fuels Inc. CEO Jim Smith (far right). Columbia Fuels is now offering an environmentally friendly blend of their ultra-low sulphur heating oil with 20 per cent biofuel to Vancouver Island and Sunshine Coast customers.

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July 27, 2006

Bob Elton, President and CEO of BC Hydro (left) and Hon. Richard Neufeld, Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources powered up the province when they announced the results of the 2006 Open Call for Power, awarding 38 contracts to independent power producers throughout the province. The new projects, will help to meet B.C.’s growing demand for electricity by adding more than 7,000 gigawatt hours per year to BC Hydro’s system– enough power to meet the needs of over 700,000 homes.

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July 21, 2006

VICTORIA - Minister of Tourism, Sport and Arts, Olga Ilich, Minister of Energy and Mines and Petroleum Resources, Richard Neufeld, Minister of Transportation Kevin Falcon, and MLA Blair Lekstrom demonstrate the size of a typical oil and gas industry vehicle on July 21, 2006. In 2005, revenue from oil and gas financed more than $2.5 billion worth of government's priority activities, including health and education programs for all British Columbians. Oil and gas exploration and production are now the largest single natural-resource generator of direct revenue for the province.

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July 21, 2006

FORT ST. JOHN - Richard Neufeld, Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, and Kevin Falcon, Minister of Transportation, announced that the Province is investing $36 million in road upgrades in the North Peace and Northern Rockies regions to ensure access to the area, increase oil and gas revenues, and improve safety for communities. Olga Ilich, Minister of Tourism, Sports and the Arts accompanied the Ministers for this announcement.

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July 14, 2006

Richard Neufeld, Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources (centre left) announced the Opportunities Envelope funding provided by the Federal Government of Canada. This funding is used for a number of British Columbia energy efficiency initiatives, including the Community Action on Energy Efficiency program. Mr. Rob Dean, President of Homeworks Services Inc. (far left) and Mr. Peter Sundberg, Executive Director of City Green Solutions (far right) liaise with communities such as the City of North Vancouver, represented by Mayor Darrell Mussatto (centre right) to implement the CAEE program.

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July 14, 2006

VICTORIA - The Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources contributed $25,250 towards the purchase of a demonstration project for hydrogen fuel cell powered technology for use with security staff at the Royal BC Museum as part of the Hydrogen Highway. Minister Richard Neufeld, (left) tried out the fuel cell flashlights joined by Angstrom Power Inc. CEO Paul Zimmerman.

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The Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources contributed $25,250 towards the purchase of hydrogen fuel cell powered technology for use by security staff at the Royal BC Musuem. Minister Neufeld, (second from left) and Bill Chimko, Museum security guard try the fuel cell flashlights on July 14, 2006 joined by Royal BC Museum CEO Pauline Rafferty; Angstrom Power Inc. CEO Paul Zimmerman; and Hydrogen Highway and Fuel Cells Canada VP, Chris Curtis. The Province has made alternative energy a part of its strategy to enhance economic development and address climate change. Hydrogen and fuel cell companies in Canada have invested over $1 billion in research and development over the last five years and continue to invest - the majority occurring in B.C.

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July 13, 2006

BURNABY – Minister Neufeld prepares to drive the Ford Focus fuel cell car using technologies from Ballard Power Systems during a tour of Ballard's operations. The Ford fuel cell vehicle is part of a five-year project- the Vancouver Fuel Cell Vehicle Program, supported by the B.C. Government which includes a three-year demonstration project to test fuel cell cars under real-world conditions in Vancouver and Victoria. Ballard’s mission is to make fuel cells a commercial reality.

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  June 26, 2006

VANCOUVER - Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Richard Neufeld (left) along with Kitimat LNG Inc. President Rosemary Boulton (center) and Chief Steve Wilson of the Haisla First Nation (left) gathered for a signing ceremony to recognize the progress made to-date toward locating the first Liquefied Natural Gas terminal on the Pacific Northwest coast.

“Sustainable environmental management is a Great Goal of our government, and the project balances that with another goal of increasing economic opportunity and jobs,” said Neufeld. “Reducing barriers to investment and increasing land certainty will help us continue to attract investment such as Kitimat LNG to our Province.”

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VANCOUVER - Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Richard Neufeld (left) along with Kitimat LNG Inc. President Rosemary Boulton (center) and Chief Steve Wilson of the Haisla First Nation (left) gathered for a signing ceremony to recognize the progress made to-date toward locating the first Liquefied Natural Gas terminal on the Pacific Northwest coast.

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June 20, 2006

NEW AIYANSH – Richard Neufeld, Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources (right) joins Nisga’a Nation President Nelson Leeson (centre) and Nisga’a Lisims Government Secretary Treasurer Edmond Wright (left) to recognize the Protocol Respecting Offshore Oil and Gas. The initiative allows the Nisga’a Nation to explore the potential for economic growth in the area of offshore oil and gas and to identify opportunities.

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Inside the Nisga'a Lisims Government legislative chamber, Minister Richard Neufeld (left) addresses Executive members and Nelson Leeson, Nisga'a Nation President (right) about moving forward with a community information project on offshore oil and gas with funding from the Province.

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During his trip to New Aiyansh, located in the Nass Valley, Minister Richard Neufeld visited the Nisga'a Lisims Government Fisheries Department to learn more about its programs and future direction.

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Minister Neufeld stands outside the Nisga'a Lisims Government building located at New Aiyansh, Nass Valley.

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June 12, 2006

CALGARY - Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Richard Neufeld (right) and Mr. Al Kirschner, Trojan Safety Services (left), discuss the success of the Service Sector Tradeshow Pavilion onsite in Calgary, Alberta. Over 400 people registered for the event.
A survey of last year’s participants from north east B.C. indicated 96 per cent of participants made new business contacts during the tradeshow.

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June 10, 2006

CAMPBELL RIVER - Minister Neufeld poses with winners from this year's Mine Safety and First Aid competition. The 51st annual provincial mine rescue competition was held in Campbell River on Saturday June 10.

The competition brings together surface and underground mine rescue teams from around the province to compete in tasks designed to test their skills in fire fighting, first aid, extrication, rope work, and simulated mine scenarios.

The Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources organizes and hosts the annual competition, providing an excellent opportunity for teams to demonstrate and hone their skills. Lessons learned at the competition are taken back to respective mine sites and passed on to other mine rescue team members.

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June 8, 2006

SMITHERS - Richard Neufeld, Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources presents a $400,000 cheque for the provincial expansion of the Northwest Community College (NWCC) School of Exploration and Mining. This is the first payment of a total $1,000,000 to the college for an initiative to support partnerships between NWCC and other colleges around the province to duplicate the successes of the training program throughout British Columbia.

(Left -Right) Chris Warren, VP Smithers Exploration Group, MLA Dennis MacKay, Gary Thompson, President of Smithers Exploration Group, Minister Richard Neufeld, Margo Van der Toew, Dean of Smithers School of Mines, Judy L'Orsa, Smithers Exploration Group.

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(Left - Right) Minister Richard Neufeld, Ken Collison, President of Blue Pearl Mining, MLA Dennis MacKay, Jim Hutter, Manager of Blue Pearl Mining.
Touring the Blue Pearl mine in Smithers.

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Click here for full size-photo.   June 8 – 10, 2006

CAMPBELL RIVER – The mining industry in B.C. is one of the safest heavy industries in the province and maintaining that record takes both skill and practice, as demonstrated by the 51st annual Mine Rescue and First Aid competition organized by the Province held in Campbell River.

The Provincial Mine Rescue competition brings together mine rescue teams from across the province to compete in several tasks designed to test their skills in first aid, extrication, fire fighting, rope work and general mine rescue knowledge. Teams compete in either surface or underground competitions.

Steve Hippisley of Highland Valley Copper leads a 'victim' away from the scene after he was let down by rope from the roof of a building during one portion of the annual mine safety and first aid competions held in Campbell River June 8 - 10th.

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Click here for full size-photo.   In a re-enactment of a serious car accident, members from the NVI Mining, Myra Falls Operations mine rescue team carry a girl thrown from a vehicle to safety.

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Members of the Barrick Gold Inc.- Eskay Creek Mine rescue team and the local fire department respond to the re-enactment of an explosion during the Mine Rescue and First Aid competition held in Campbell River June 8 - 10th.

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May 5, 2006

FORT ST JOHN - It's easier than ever to be energy-efficient in British Columbia, thanks to provincial legislation that makes energy-saving products and materials exempt from the seven per cent Provincial Sales Tax (PST), until March 31, 2007. This exemption will save homeowners between $100 and $1,400 on the purchase of this equipment.

Minister Richard Neufeld (center) and Joan Huzar, President of the Consumers Council of Canada (left) with Doug Gallinger, Manager of the Home Hardware Building Centre, Fort St. John demonstrate PST exemption on materials such as thermal insulation, weather stripping and caulking material, and transparent window insulating film.

Additional PST exempt products include: ENERGY STAR® heat pumps and systems, boilers and gas-fired furnaces for residential purposes, wind-powered generating equipment and systems, solar photovoltaic panels and systems and micro-hydro turbines, generators and systems up to 150kW.

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May 1, 2006

VANCOUVER - Katrina Polaski, Chair of the International Energy Agency Ocean Energy Systems (IEA OES) Implementing Agreement Executive Committee thanks Minister Neufeld for his presentation on ocean energy research and development and alternative energy in British Columbia to approximately 70 international delegates at the University of British Columbia. The conference included a tour of Pearson College's Race Rocks Tidal Demonstration project located near Victoria and the Institute of Ocean Sciences in Sydney, B.C.

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April 28, 2006

EDMONTON - Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Richard Neufeld (second row, second from the right) was in Edmonton for the 4th annual joint Alberta - B.C. Cabinet meeting where the two western provinces signed the Alberta-British Columbia Trade, Investment, and Labour Mobility Agreement (TILMA). The agreement will give businesses and workers in both provinces seamless access to a larger range of opportunities across all sectors including energy, transportation, labour mobility, business registration, and government procurement.

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April 28, 2006

EDMONTON - Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Richard Neufeld (left) signs a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Victor Doerksen, Alberta Minister of Innovation and Science (right) as other B.C. and Alberta Cabinet members look on at the Joint Alberta - B.C. Cabinet meeting in Edmonton on April 28. The MOU covers energy research, technology development and innovations - creating mechanisms for the two provinces to share information and participate in joint projects and programs.

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Click here for full-size photo.   April 19, 2006

TORONTO - Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Richard Neufeld, in partnership with the Association for Mineral Exploration British Columbia and the Mining Association of British Columbia, hosted an inaugural Mining Investment Mission in Toronto, Canada’s largest investment centre.
Minister Neufeld (centre) is the first-ever B.C. minister to open the Toronto Stock Exchange. He is joined by Chief Jerry Asp, Tahltan First Nation, and CEOs from a dozen B.C. mining companies, the Mining Association of B.C., and the Association of Mineral Exploration B.C.

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Click here for full-size photo.   April 19, 2006

TORONTO - The investment mission profiled B.C.-focused exploration and mining companies to the Toronto investment community and presented positive investment prospects for mining in British Columbia. Presenters provided insight into B.C.’s mineral potential, land access, mineral policies, permitting, Aboriginal land issues and tax regime. Current trends, new discoveries and mine developments were highlighted.
Minister Richard Neufeld (right), is joined by Chief Jerry Asp, Tahltan First Nation (centre), and Rick van Nieuvenhuyse, Nova Gold (left).

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April 13, 2006

FORT ST. JOHN — Minister Richard Neufeld assisted in the ribbon cutting ceremonies at Northern Lights College, northern B.C.’s educational leader in oil and gas training, at a ground-breaking for the new Centre of Excellence - an oil and gas training centre at the main campus in Fort St. John.

Left to right: Hon. Richard Neufeld, Minister, Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources; Kate O'Neil, Northern Lights College Board chair; Blair Lekstrom, MLA, Peace River South; private donor Allan Markin, chairman of Canadian Natural Resources Limited.

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The $12-million oil and gas training centre at Northern Lights College will expand the ability of government and industry to meet the increasing demand for workforce training, and has been achieved through successful partnerships, corporate and personal donations and local support.

(Top, left to right) Kate O'Neil, Northern Lights College Board chair; Hon. Richard Neufeld, Minister, Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources; (bottom, left to right) Randelle Lusk, vice president NLC Students’ Association Executive Council and president, Fort St. John Students’ Association; Jim Kassen, former NLC president; Jim Eglinski, Mayor, City of Fort St. John; Blair Lekstrom, MLA, Peace River South; D. Jean Valgardson, president, NLC; and private donor Allan Markin, chairman of Canadian Natural Resources Limited, also a donor.

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Click here for full-size photo. "The construction of the Centre of Excellence, achieved in a partnership between government and industry, demonstrates the belief in the North's potential," said Minister Neufeld. ""We have a great goal to create more jobs in B.C. per capita than anywhere else in Canada, and this project will help ensure British Columbians can take advantage of the excellent job opportunities available in the oil and gas industry.”

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Click here for full-size photo.   March 27, 2006

VICTORIA - Minister Richard Neufeld (centre) joins ministry of energy, mines and petroleum resources officials (right) Dave Lefebure, Director/Chief Geologist, Geological Survey Branch, and (far right) Ron Smyth, Chief Science Officer, Offshore Oil and Gas Division to receive the Craigdarrock Research Award for Project Excellence. University of Victoria (UVic) representatives (far left) Dr. Peter Keller, Dean of Social Sciences and current co-chair, and (left) Dr. John Schofield, Past Co-Chair Partnership Committee join them on the podium. In 2003, the ministry entered into a research partnership with the UVic School of Earth and Ocean Sciences and the Faculty of Social Sciences to tap into the skills and research capabilities the university offers in the areas of alternative energy, mining and offshore oil and gas.

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March 9, 2006

WASHINGTON, D.C. - British Columbia is a resource rich, competitive, reliable and environmentally responsible energy supplier for North America.

Our energy wealth comes from diverse sources, including undeveloped hydrocarbons; a vast low-cost and reliable hydro-electricity transmission system and global leadership in alternate energy. This is the message Minister Neufeld brought to the Energy Council in Washington, D.C.

(Left to right)Colin Robertson, Minister of Advocacy for Canadian Embassy in Washington; Allison Scott, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Energy, Nova Scotia; Minister Richard Neufeld; Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska; Minister Brendan Bell of NWT; and Mel Knight, MLA for Grande Prairie - Smoky, Alberta.

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Click here for full-size photo.   Minister Neufeld is joined by Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska at the Energy Council in Washington, D.C.

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Click here for full-size photo.   March 3, 2006

KELOWNA - Minister Neufeld (second from right) and Federal MP Ron Cannan, Kelowna - Lake Country visit a geothermal drilling site at the new energy efficient Wilden Subdivision as part of a Kelowna Alternative Energy, Energy Efficiency tour. Joining them are Brian Parent, Manager, Energy Efficiency, FortisBC PowerSense (far left); Jim Leask, President, GeoTility Systems Corp.; MLA Al Horning, Kelowna - Lake Country; and Gerhard Blenk, Owner/Developer, Blenk Development Corp.

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Click here for full-size photo.   March 3, 2006

KELOWNA - Minister Richard Neufeld (far right) spoke to the Kelowna Chamber of Commerce on March 3, 2006, prior to a three - stop tour of Alternative Energy and Energy Efficiency projects in Kelowna. Joining him at the Chamber of Commerce breakfast meeting are: (far left) Don Debienne, VP of Generation and Regulatory Affairs, FortisBC; Kelowna - Mission MLA Sindi Hawkins, Kelowna Mayor Sharon Shepherd and John Walker, President and CEO of FortisBC.

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March 3, 2006

KELOWNA - Ron Cannan, federal MP for Kelowna Lake Country (far left) and Minister Richard Neufeld (second from right) tour the facilities of Trak Canada with Jeff Maxwell, President and CEO of Trak Canada (far right) and Sabine Maxwell, Partner in Trak Canada - an award winning company in geothermal technology and design contributing to environmental sustainability.

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Click here for full-size photo.   March 3, 2006

KELOWNA - Minister Richard Neufeld (right) and John Walker, CEO of FortisBC examine one of two new microturbine generators at the City of Kelowna Glenmore Landfill Site. The microturbines will convert landfill gases into electricity to help power the landfill operations with excess electricity purchased by FortisBC. Minister Neufeld also toured a FortisBC Power Sense energy efficiency display home as part of an energy efficiency tour which announced $615,000 in federal and provincial funding to support energy efficiency measures outlined in the new Energy Efficiency Building strategy launched last September.

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February 1-3, 2006

HOUSTON, TEXAS - British Columbia's Oil and Gas Development Strategy has made the province one of the most competitive oil and gas development jurisdictions in North America, expanding business opportunities, increasing trade and creating well-paying jobs for British Columbians. It focuses on fostering a competitive service sector, building much needed roads, developing targeted royalty incentives and environmental protection. This is the message Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Richard Neufeld took to the North American Prospect Expo (NAPE) held Feb. 1-3, 2006 in Houston, Texas. NAPE is an international oil and gas conference which attracted approximately 12,000 delegates.

Minister Richard Neufeld (middle) is joined by Honourable Cecil Clarke, Nova Scotia Minister of Energy (left); and Jean-Michel Roy, Consul General at the NAPE expo.

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Click here for full-size photo.   Alison Scott, Deputy Minister of Nova Scotia's Ministry of Energy (far left); Honourable Cecil Clarke, Minister of Energy, Nova Scotia; B.C. Minister Richard Neufeld; Jean-Michel Roy, Consul General; and Greg Reimer, Deputy Minister of Alison Scott, Deputy Minister of Nova Scotia's Ministry of Energy (far left); Honourable Cecil Clarke, Minister of Energy, Nova Scotia; B.C. Minister Richard Neufeld; Jean-Michel Roy, Consul General; and Greg Reimer, Deputy Minister of B.C. Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources gather at the NAPE conference in Texas to discuss oil and gas development and potential in Canada.

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January 25, 2006

VANCOUVER - Minister Richard Neufeld tries his hand at “Stump the Geologist” at the “Rockhounds” tour of Mineral Exploration Roundup. This is the 4th year that schools from around B.C. participated in the hugely successful program. Each student was paired-up with a post-secondary student in a geoscience or mining-related program at BCIT, SFU and UBC for the day.

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January 23, 2006

VANCOUVER - Minister Neufeld chats with a participant at the 23rd Annual Mineral Exploration Roundup in Vancouver, in front of the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources’ “Explore BC” booth.

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Click here for full-size photo.   January 18, 2006

BURNABY - Richard Neufeld, Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources (right) and Bill Bennett, Minister of State for Mining (middle) watch a student process copper in the school lab during a tour of the B.C.I.T. mining program facility.

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Click here for full-size photo.   December 14, 2005

SAANICHTON - At a Power Measurement facility tour in Saanichton, Minister Richard Neufeld (center), MLA Murray Coell (right) and Power Measurement CEO Brad Forth examine innovative energy management and conservation technology that helps reduce energy costs for consumers worldwide.

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Click here for full-size photo.   Minister Richard Neufeld (center) and MLA Murray Coell (far right) congratulate Power Measurement's Jacques Campeau, VP of Operations (far left), Brad Forth, CEO and President, and Richard Stetler, VP Sales, on the company's name change to Schneider Electric.

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Click here for full-size photo.   December 2, 2005

Blueberry River First Nations Chief Linda Chipesia initials documents with Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Richard Neufeld (left) and Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation Tom Christensen on Dec. 2, 2005 that will ensure better consultation between First Nations and the oil and gas industry when it comes to activities on Crown lands. [news release]

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Click here for full-size photo.   November 29, 2005

OLIVER - FortisBC officially launched the new Vaseux Lake Substation in late November, 2005 to meet increased demand and provide reliability to customers in the Okanagan Valley and Kootenay-Boundary regions. Through the hiring of local contractors and businesses, the Oliver area received approximately $2 million dollars in economic benefits. Assisting in the opening ceremonies are (left to right): Bill Barisoff, MLA Penticton-Okanagan Valley; Richard Neufeld, Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources; John Walker, President and CEO, FortisBC Inc.; and Stanley Marshall, President and CEO of Fortis Inc.

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Click here for full-size photo.   The Vaseux Lake substation connects FortisBC’s transmission system in the Okanagan to BC Hydro’s 500 kilovolt circuit. High reliability and energy security will be maintained through investments such as this power project and an overall coordinated electricity plan.

(Left to right) Stanley Marshall, President and CEO, Fortis Inc.; Bill Barisoff, MLA Penticton-Okanagan Valley; Minister Richard Neufeld; Doug Little, VP Customer and Strategy Development, British Columbia Transmission Corporation (BCTC); Bruce Ripley, VP Engineering, BC Hydro; and John Walker, President and CEO, FortisBC Inc.

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Click here for full-size photo.   October 25, 2005

VICTORIA - Minister Richard Neufeld (center) is joined by Nick Beck, S&T Director, HyFate Natural Resources Canada (left) and Richard Fry, Program Manager, Fuel Cell Infrastructure, CANMET Energy Technology Centre after his keynote speech, at the fifth annual general meeting in Victoria of the Canadian Transportation Fuel Cell Alliance. The CTFCA is a seven year program aimed at developing a hydrogen fuelling infrastructure for fuel cell vehicles.

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Click here for full-size photo.   October 6, 2005

FORT ST. JOHN – Minister Neufeld (standing) is joined on stage by Fort St. John Mayor Steve Thorlakson, and Northern Lights College President Jean Valgardson at the 2005 Oil and Gas Conference where he announced new industry funding towards the BC Centre of Excellence at Northern Lights College (NLC).
[news release]

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Richard Neufeld and Right Honourable Joe Clark share a word before the keynote address by Clark to the 2005 Oil and Gas Conference industry delegates. "If energy prices and provincial royalty revenues stay high, growing western wealth is bound to arouse great public interest everywhere else in Canada…" said Clark.

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Richard, Steve and Jean are joined by Brian Clewes, CEO of the Industry Training Authority ITA (far right) and John Jacobsen, Board Chair of the Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors CAODC (far left) who also announced a new Oil and Gas Rig Technician apprenticeship training program to be included at the Centre of Excellence. This new certification allows industry workers to be fully trained in B.C. Surrounding them are industry partners representing companies contributing to the Centre: Anadarko Canada Corporation, Baker Hughes Canada, Baytex Energy Trust, BG Canada, Canadian Natural Resources Ltd., Devon Canada Corporation, Duke Energy, Ensign Energy Services Inc., Esso Imperial Oil, Penn West Energy Trust, Petro-Canada, Progress Energy Trust and ProEx Energy, and Talisman Energy.

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Click here for full-size photo.   September 16, 2005

VANCOUVER - Minister Richard Neufeld is joined by Richard Anderson (left), Past President of the Building Owners and Managers Association, Mary McNeil, President/CEO of the BC Cancer Foundation and David Kelly (right), President of One on One Strategies representing the Canadian Home Builders Association of BC, at the official launch of the Energy Efficient Buildings Strategy at the BC Cancer Research Centre. For more information, click here.

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Click here for full-size photo.   Richard is joined by Leslie McLaren, Manager, Roxul Insulation (Roxul received top honours at the 2005 Pollution Prevention Awards's sponsored by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, for their environmental success in reducing energy consumption, the impact of air emissions, and production waste going to landfill) after the announcement. The energy efficiency actions contained in the strategy will deliver social, environmental and economic benefits. For more information, click here.

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Richard Neufeld is taken on a tour of the centre by Ralph Durand, Associate Vice resident of Research for the BC Cancer Agency, who explains that the $95 million BC Cancer Agency Research Centre was awarded the prestigious LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Canada Gold certification by the Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) for its leading-edge environmentally sustainable design. For more information, click here.

B.C. is a world leader in innovative alternative energy solutions, including energy efficiency. In February, government announced a goal of world leadership in environmental sustainability as a goal for the next decade and most recently launched a new strategy and task force for alternative energy and power technology.

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Click here for full-size photo.   April 5, 2005

FORT NELSON – The Province is bringing clean, affordable solar energy to Fort Nelson secondary school in Solar for Schools pilot program, through $300,000 in provincial funding, announced Minister of Energy and Mines Richard Neufeld. Minister Neufeld is joined by SPS Energy Solutions President and CEO Dave Egles in front of a solar panel display similar to the one that will be installed on the roof of Fort Nelson Secondary School.

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Click here for full-size photo.   March 31, 2005

VANCOUVER – Minister Richard Neufeld (right) joins Joe Hinrichs, President and CEO of Ford of Canada, in front of one of the first new Hydrogen Fuel Cell cars brought to Vancouver to test drive. BC Hydro, BC Transit and Energy and Mines are all test driving the cars. BC provided $300,000 in support for the test program. The cars, powered by hydrogen instead of gasoline, were delivered by Dr. Gerhard Schmidt, VP Research and Advanced Engineering, Ford Motor Company, and will help BC move closer to a cleaner-energy future.

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Click here for full-size photo.   March 31, 2005

VANCOUVER – Minister Richard Neufeld stands in front of one of Canada's first hydrogen powered cars. The car is one of five in BC as part of the Vancouver Fuel Cell Vehicle Program, a fuel cell car testing program BC is sponsoring and participating in.

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March 30, 2005

BURNABY – Tour participants pose with the award for innovation given to the SEEGEN GVRD Waste-to-Energy facility by the Canadian Energy Institute.

Left to right: John Nuraney (MLA Burnaby-Willingdon), Minister Richard Neufeld, Chair Marvin Hunt (GVRD), Ron Richter (SEEGEN Plant Manager), Cathy Marr (Canadian Energy Institute), Minister Patty Sahota (MLA Burnaby-Edmonds), and Richard Lee (MLA Burnaby North).

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March 30, 2005

Minister Neufeld operates the machine that drops garbage into an incinerator to create energy at the SEEGEN GVRD Waste-to-Energy facility in Burnaby. This site recycles 20% of the GVRD's waste into BC Clean Electricity that is sold back to the grid through an agreement with BC Hydro.

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March 30, 2005

Minister Neufeld tours the control room of the high tech SEEGEN GVRD Waste-to-Energy facility in Burnaby. This cogeneration plant provides 125 gigawatt hours per year - enough to supply power to about 12,500 homes.

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March 22, 2005

TAYLOR - Communities in northeast B.C. will continue to benefit from the growing oil and gas sector as a result of four new programs and over $400 million in funding, Energy and Mines Minister Richard Neufeld announced today. Minister Neufeld (seated, left) is joined by the Peace River Regional District Mayors and MLA Blair Lekstrom (standing, far right) after signing the MOU.

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March 18, 2005

FORT ST. JOHN - Minister of Energy and Mines Richard Neufeld presents a cheque for $115,000 to West Moberly Chief Roland Willson. The funding will go towards appointing a community coal coordinator and helping provide information about the coal industry to residents of northeast communities and First Nations.

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March 11, 2005

WASHINGTON D.C. - Minister Neufeld tests out one of General Motor's HydroGen3 cars at a Shell fueling station.

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  Click here for full-size photo.

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March 4, 2005
First retailer to be named a Power Smart Certified Customer

VANCOUVER - BC Hydro announced today that Hudson's Bay Company (Hbc) has been designated a Power Smart Certified Customer for its achievements in energy efficiency. Since 2000, Hbc has saved over $12 million in energy costs nationally through proactive energy management. The announcement was made at a ceremony held at The Bay in downtown Vancouver, Minister Neufeld, centre, was on hand at the presentation made by Bev Van Ruyven, Senior Vice President, Distribution, BC Hydro to Hbc President and CEO, George Heller, (right).

For more information regarding PowerSmart and BC Hydro, click here.

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March 2, 2005

VICTORIA - Premier Gordon Campbell announced the addition of up to 356 gasoline-electric hybrid vehicles to the government fleet, "Adding more hybrid vehicles to the government fleet is a practical and effective example of how we can use proven, existing technology to help improve air quality and meet our environmental goals," said Campbell. "The greening of the provincial fleet is one more opportunity to show the world in 2010 that British Columbians are leaders in our commitment to sustainable transportation and providing a cleaner, healthier environment for generations to come."

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 Click here for full-size photo.  

LEGISLATURE - Premier Campbell is joined by Minister Neufeld after announcing the acquisition of hybrid vehicles for the government's "green fleet" reflecting the throne speech goal of establishing B.C. as the global leader in sustainable environmental management. The Province also announced its recent budget tax relief for British Columbians who want to buy hybrid vehicles.

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LEGISLATURE - Minister Richard Neufeld was on hand to take Minister Shirley Bond on a brief test drive. Approximately 15 per cent of the provincial government fleet consists of green vehicles, including 45 gasoline-electric hybrids as well as natural gas and propane powered vehicles.

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February 25, 2005

VICTORIA - Minister Richard Neufeld speaking at the announcement of Canada's first free-stream tidal power project, an innovative partnership between Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific, EnCana Corporation and Clean Current Power Systems Incorporated. The project will be built at the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve, offshore of Vancouver Island. Minister Neufeld comments on the commitment by Premier Campbell in promoting alternative energy sources, which has helped British Columbia become a world leader in sustainable environmental management.

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PEDDER BAY - Making the announcement were Gwyn Morgan, President and CEO of EnCana, Glen Darou, President and CEO of Clean Current, and Stuart Walker, Director of Pearson College. Gwyn Morgan explains EnCana's Environmental Innovation Fund, which contributed $3 million towards the $4 million project. The fund was established to advance new technologies and solutions that improve environmental performance associated with consuming and producing energy. "Our investment in this B.C.-based unconventional environmental and power technology reflects our desire to tangibly encourage innovative energy solutions," said Morgan. Photo credit Hélène Cyr, courtesy of Pearson College.

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Gwyn Morgan, Pat Trottier, Richard Neufeld (l-r) get ready to depart from Pedder Bay at Pearson College, for a tour of the tidal power project at the world famous ecological reserve. The Race Rocks situated project will enable the turbine to tap into surrounding ocean currents and convert tidal energy to electric power for the islands' self-sufficiency needs beginning in early 2006.

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Gwyn Morgan and Minister Neufeld on approach to Race Rocks.

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Click here for full-size photo.   Minister Neufeld is accompanied by Pearson College student Angie Karlson (Norway) for a tour of the ecological reserve.

For more information regarding Alternative Energy, click here.

For More information on the Race Rocks Announcement, click here.

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Click here for full-size photo.   February 21, 2005

VANCOUVER - Minister Richard Neufeld announced $2 million in funding to Fuel Cells Canada to support hydrogen and fuel cell innovation while touring hydrogen fuel cell demonstrations at UBC.

The funding will jumpstart critical elements of industries' BC Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Strategy - An Industry Vision For Our Hydrogen Future and leverage additional investment from industry, the federal and municipal governments. Fuel Cells Canada, a national industry association based in Vancouver, will administer the funds.

Minister Neufeld (far right) is joined by Dr Michel Laberge, President of General Fusion Inc. (far left) and Dennis Connor, Chairman of QuestAir Technologies and CEO of Angstrom Power, (centre) for a tour of the facility.

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Click here for full-size photo. Click here for full-size photo.  

Minister Neufeld, speaking to crowd at the University of British Columbia's National Research Council site, announced $2 million in funding to Fuel Cells Canada to support hydrogen and fuel cell innovation on Monday Feb 21, 2005.

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Click here for full-size photo.  

Speaking at Natural Resources Canada's Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation, Neufeld stated that the government is committed to alternative fuel source technology, particularly in the area of hydrogen and fuel cells. Fuel Cells Canada is a non-profit national association dedicated to develop Canada's fuel cell and hydrogen industry. Minister Neufeld is joined by Radenka Maric, leader of the solid oxide fuel cell group at NRC.

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Minister Neufeld is joined by Dennis Connor, Chairman of QuestAir Technologies and CEO of Angstrom Power, after the announcement. Mr. Connor unveiled a simple 15 cm flashlight, powered by a tiny hydrogen fuel cell. B.C. Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Strategy steering team chairman Connor showed off the futuristic flashlight to underline the fact that hydrogen technology will be integral to other parts of our lives long before it powers our automobiles.

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January 24, 2005
New Geoscience Released to Support Further Exploration

VANCOUVER - Minister Richard Neufeld (right) and Minister of State for Mining Pat Bell (left) check out the B.C. booth at the British Columbia and Yukon Chamber of Mines Mineral Exploration Roundup 2005 on January 24 2005. The Roundup is one of the premier mineral exploration conferences, the second largest in the world.

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January 18, 2005

VANCOUVER - A wide-ranging plan to expand on recent government and industry successes supporting sustainable, responsible mining in British Columbia was announced by Minister of Energy and Mines Richard Neufeld and Minister of State for Mining, Pat Bell.

Minister Neufeld (left) spoke to an audience at the Queen Elizabeth Park on January 18, 2005. The park, now a wonderful recreation area used by local residents and visitors from around the world, was previously a quarry, a mine site where rock was dug to build Vancouver's first roadways.

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December 6, 2004

BUCKINGHORSE RIVER - Minister Neufeld is joined by members of Anadarko's Buckinghorse River Pipeline Crossing crew after their successful completion of a complex natural gas transportation project beneath the Buckinghorse River in Northeastern British Columbia.

For more information regarding Anadarko and Buckinghorse River please see [news release].

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Minister Neufeld helps Mike Bridges, CEO of Anadarko Canada turn on the gas for the two wells (drilled horizontally to a depth of 1,400 metres, over three kilometres apart on opposite sides of a 305 metre deep, steeply sloping and unstable river gorge). The distance between the wells and the depth to which they were
drilled make this project the first of its kind in North America.

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November 18, 2004

VICTORIA - Minister Richard Neufeld (right) is joined by Dr. Axel Horstmann, Minister of Transport, Energy and Spatial Planning, State of North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany, in signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Hydrogen and Fuel Cell cooperation at the Legislature on November 18, 2004. The two governments will work to develop mutual economic opportunities in the hydrogen and fuel cell energy field.

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November 1, 2004

FORT NELSON - The official completion of the new bridge crossing the Fort Nelson River will open up more opportunities for British Columbia's oil and gas sector and create a gateway for economic prosperity, B.C. Energy and Mines Minister Richard Neufeld announced Monday November 1, 2004.

Minister Neufeld is joined by (left to right) Fort Nelson Mayor Chris Morey, Senior VP Operations for Ledcor Scott Lyons, Chair of SYD Road Users Group Ron Ramsay of Canadian Natural Resources, and EnCana VP Fort Nelson Business Unit Dave Rushford, at the official ribbon cutting ceremony.

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Click here for full-size photo.  

November 22, 2004

TORONTO - Minister Neufeld (second from left, standing) is flanked by several attendees at the Canadian Council for Public Private Partnerships 2004 Annual National Awards dinner, after accepting the gold award for the Sierra Yoyo Desan Resource Road Project.

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December 2, 2004

VANCOUVER - Minister Neufeld (centre) is joined by Senior Vice-President Ledcor Operations Scott Lyons (left) in accepting a Gold Award from Larry Blain (right) on behalf of Partnerships BC and the Canadian Council for Public Private Partnerships, for the Sierra Yoyo Desan (SYD) Resource Road. The gold winning entry in the category of Project Financing, awarded to the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM) and Ledcor Group of Companies, was co-sponsored by Partnerships BC. [news release]

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September 22, 2004

KELOWNA - Minister Richard Neufeld joins provincial government and UBCM colleagues in signing an independent power projects partnership agreement with the Union of BC Municipalities Sept. 22, leading the way to increased investment in clean energy sources and ensuring the energy needs of British Columbians are met.

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July 27, 2004

VANCOUVER - Minister of Energy and Mines Richard Neufeld congratulates Mitsubishi Corporation on their decision to locate their global hydrogen production equipment business, H3 Energy, in British Columbia. The decision will see the company initially invest approximately $14 million into the provincial economy.

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July 16, 2004

ALBERTA - Minister Richard Neufeld tours Cowley Ridge, Alberta wind farm to learn about alternative energy on July 16, 2004.

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Bev van Ruyven of BC Hydro (l) with Minister Neufeld and deputy minister Sheila Wynne (r) get first hand look at wind energy production and regional economic development in SW Alberta.

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July 12, 2004

VICTORIA - BC Energy and Mines Minister Richard Neufeld addresses delegates at the Pacific Northwest Economic Region Conference in Victoria, July 12, 2004.

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June, 2004 Furry Creek, B.C. Minister Neufeld tours the Furry Creek Power Ltd.
project, a 10 MW, 40 Gwh per year small hydro run of river project that began
commercial operation in early June, 2004.
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Minister Neufeld at the Furry Creek Power project positioned at the point where the penstock pipe surfaces from a buried alignment.

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Minister at penstock intake, with small headpond behind.

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Minister with Don Swoboda (l) and Dan Eaton (r) from Eaton Power.

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Don Swoboda(l), Dan Eaton (r) and Minister in the powerhouse.

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Minister Neufeld with Bob Fedderly, President of the Northern Society of Oilfield Contractors and Service Firms.

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Minister Neufeld gives luncheon address.

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May 14, 2004

Minister Neufeld address delegates at the North Central Municipal Association Conference in Fort Nelson.

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May 13, 2004

Minister Neufeld and Premier Gordon Campbell at the Achieve BC exhibit in Fort Nelson as part of the exhibit's 37-stop tour of B.C. communities.

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Click here for full-size photo.  

May 13, 2004

Minister introduces premier at Achieve BC tour opening in Fort Nelson.

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April 16, 2004

Chief Stephen Didzena, Dene Tha' First Nations (Dene Tha') and Richard Neufeld, Minister of Energy and Mines sign an agreement to formalize the consultation process and assist in capacity building for the Dene Tha' to engage the Oil and Gas Commission regulatory process.

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April 15, 2004

Premier Gordon Campbell and Executive Director And Chief Inspector of Mines Fred Hermann present awards at the 40th Annual Mines Safety Awards at the Harbour Towers Hotel.

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April 5, 2004

The Province is providing a one-time payment of $6 million to communities in the Peace River Regional District. Funds will be invested in community services and infrastructure to support the region's dramatic increase in industrial and business activity, and build a stronger local service sector. The funding will be shared among local governments in the region in accordance with the Fair Share agreement, a long-standing memorandum of understanding to deal with the lack of access to the industrial tax base. The payment comes in response to northeast communities' desire for greater financial support to better develop their infrastructure and service sector and enable them to obtain a greater share of jobs and economic benefits from growing industrial activity in the region.

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March 25, 2004

Minister of Energy and Mines Richard Neufeld speaks with Earth and Ocean Science student Andrea Cade, a PhD student working on mineral deposits at the University of British Columbia. The minister addressed UBC Engineering and Geology students about developing British Columbia's resource industries.

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Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada Convention, Toronto, March 2004
Minister Neufeld attends the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) annual convention in Toronto, March 7- 10, 2004. Since its inception in 1932, the annual convention has been the gathering place for people and companies involved in the search for and development of new mineral deposits. Today, the PDAC International Convention, Trade Show and Investors Exchange has become one of the most important events in the global mineral industry, bringing together the wide range of players involved in mineral exploration from around the world. Below are photos from the PDAC 2004.
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Minister of Energy and Mines Richard Neufeld; Deputy Minister Sheila Wynn; Lena Brommeland, Lands/Geology Manager, Hunter Dickinson Inc.

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Minister of Energy and Mines Richard Neufeld; Scott Broughton, Roca Mines Inc.; Tim Termuende, President & CEO, Eagle Plains Resources.

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Bill Burton, VP Operations, Western Canadian Coal Corp.; Minister of Energy and Mines Richard Neufeld; Daryl Thomas, Project Engineer, Cochran Engineering.

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Click here for full-size photo.  

Peter Holbek, VP Exploration, Western Keltic Mines Inc.; Minister of Energy and Mines Richard Neufeld; Don McInnes, President, Western Keltic Mines Inc.; Brian Butterworth, Director, Western Keltic Mines Inc.

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 Click here for full-size photo.  

Minister Richard Neufeld (left) shakes hands with Premier Dennis Fentie (far right), Premier of Government of Yukon, at the Mineral Exploration Roundup in Vancouver, January 26, 2003.

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Premier Gordon Campbell, Energy and Mines Minister Richard Neufeld and Fort Nelson First Nation Chief Liz Logan atop an oil rig that is the first to be partially owned and operated by BC First Nations. Through an innovative partnership with Ensign Drilling and Encana Corp., the Fort Nelson First nation will own 50 per cent of the rig and receive revenue from operating the drill rig. This partnership will create employment and provide a new source of income to benefit the North East First nation.

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Minister of Energy and Mines Richard Neufeld delivers keynote address at the Independent Power Producers Association of B.C. Annual Conference at the Hyatt Hotel in Vancouver on October 23, 2003. IPPBC's three day fall conference included speeches, presentations, workshops and a one day field trip of three run-of-river hydro IPP projects near Whistler, British Columbia.

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In September, 2003, Minister of Energy and Mines Richard Neufeld traveled to London, England with a mining investment delegation composed of representatives from government, First Nations, exploration and mining industries and financial/investment experts.

Minister Richard Neufeld and Deputy Minister Sheila Wynn en route from Barclays Capital meeting to Standard Bank Group in London on Sept. 24.

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Minister Neufeld speaks to guests at the British Columbia mining investment networking reception at the Millennium Mayfair Hotel in London, Monday, September 22.

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Minister of Energy and Mines Richard Neufeld and Minister of Competition Science and Enterprise Rick Thorpe joined delegates from across North America at the Offshore Technology Conference in Houston, May 3.

Shown here are Ministers Neufeld (left) and Thorpe watching the Oceaneering International remotely operated vehicle (ROV) being lowered over the side of the ConocoPhillips Deepwater Pathfinder drill ship.

The (ROV) was being used to inspect blow-out prevention equipment 2100-feet deep on the ocean floor.

The Deepwater Pathfinder drill ship was operating in the Gulf of Mexico and was drilling in excess of 10,000 feet.

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Meeting the New Face of Mining in BC: Energy and Mines Minister Richard Neufeld welcomes students of the UBC Mining Engineering Program to the Legislature for a Mining Discussion Group on March 26, 2003. The event was organized by MLAs Ralph Sultan (West Vancouver-Capilano) and Walt Cobb (Cariboo South) (L-R Andrew students Andrew Hoskin, James Hansen, the Honourable Richard Neufeld, and students Ruby Hansen and Matthew Pierce).

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 Click here for full-size photo.  

(left to right) Nanaimo MLA Mike Hunter and Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce President Marylin Sullivan pose with Energy & Mines Minister Richard Neufeld. The minister visited the Vancouver Island community (December 2002) to explain the province's new energy plan.

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(left to right) Energy & Mines Minister Richard Neufeld receives a gift from Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce President Marylin Sullivan, during a December 2002 visit to the Vancouver Island community to explain the province's new energy plan.

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Energy Mines Minister Richard Neufeld meets with Wyoming Governor Geringer during the Energy Council of Canada's National Energy Forum in Kelowna, September 23, 2002.

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