B.C.'s Top Students Receive 20th Annual Premier's Excellence Awards

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January 28, 2006
“For two decades, the Premier’s Excellence Awards have been presented to outstanding young British Columbians in recognition of their achievements as students and as model citizens, and I know this year’s recipients reflect that continued tradition of excellence,” Campbell said. “We present these awards as a show of confidence in B.C. youth and with the goal of inspiring them to reach higher and pursue their goals and dreams here in their home province.”

2006 Premier's Excellence Awards Recipients Justin Basinger. Julia Baumann.
Geoffrey Burton. Matthew Church.
Sheldon Clark. Hilary Clauson. Chantell Darroch. Scott De Wynter-Wilkie. Merry Yuan Gong. Sarah Hutchinson.
Kayli Johnson. Bryan Lee. Chantell Darroch. Serena Talbot Launny Lowden.
Click here for more photos of Premier's Excellence Awards Alumni, and 2005 Premier's Excellence Awards Selection Committee and Alumni Selection Committee