Ministry of Energy and Mines
 Exploration & Mines

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ARIS Assessment Reports
Bedrock Mapping
Educational Resources
Exploration & Mines
Geology of BC
Geophysical Data
Geoscience Agencies
Industrial Minerals
MINFILE Mineral Inventory
Mineral Properties Available
Metallic Minerals
Mineral Deposit Profiles
Mineral Potential
Publications Catalogue
Staff: Who Are We?
Surficial Geology & Hazards
Terrain & Soil Maps
What's New

         Mines Directory    Maps                     Exploration Projects
bullet2005 Directory   2005 Map        Operating Mines and Selected Major Exploration Projects
bullet2004 Directory   2004 Map        Operating Mines and Selected Major Exploration Projects
bullet2003 Directory   2003 Map
bullet2002 Directory   2002 Map        BC Mining Exploration Expenditures
bullet2001 Directory   2001 Map
bullet2000 Directory   2000 Map
bullet1999 Directory   1999 Map
bullet1998 Directory   1998 Map
bullet1997 Directory   1997 Map

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To view a PDF map, you will need Adobe Reader.
This page last updated: October 10, 2006.

BC Geological Survey Home Page

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