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Applying for BC Employment and Assistance
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BC Employment and Assistance

The following on-line services provide access to ministry information and programs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Click on the links to go to the desired service:


Web Orientation Session (www.weborientation.gov.bc.ca)

Online Web Orientation Navigation Tips
(available in multiple languages)

BC Employment and Assistance Web Orientation Session

If you intend to apply for BC Employment and Assistance, you can complete the session online during the three-week work search. You will learn about the requirements to look for work, job search tips and the process for applying for income assistance.


Income Assistance Estimator

Am I eligible? Income Assistance Estimator
The IA Estimator is for people who may need to apply for income assistance. You can use the estimator to enter information about your family situation, assets, housing costs, and net monthly income. It will let you know if you may be eligible and give a rough estimate of how much assistance you might receive each month.

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Updated: 2005 Sept 26

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