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What is the Forests for Tomorrow Program?

The Forests for Tomorrow program was set up to respond to the catastrophic wildfires and the mountain pine beetle epidemic.

The program was introduced by government in 2005 with an initial amount of $161M being allocated towards this program over four years.

The program is aimed at improving the future timber supply and addressing risks to other forest values through the re-establishment of young forests on land that would otherwise remain under-productive. The program focuses on land that is primarily within the timber harvesting land base yet outside of forest industry obligations.

The program emphasizes surveying, site preparation and planting. These treatments are guided by strategic level program planning, seed supply planning, silviculture strategies and timber supply analyses.

The up-front overview surveys and program planning, will formulate a clear and full picture of a cost-effective program and budget profile. It is anticipated that this will be a long term program with an annual budget that is projected to be 53.9 million by 2008/09, remain at this level, and then gradually decline in latter years as critical work is completed and NSR areas have been reduced to levels that do not pose serious timber supply problems.

The initial priority is aggressive reforestation of the 2003 and 2004 wildfires and brushing in Timber Supply Area (TSA) and Tree Farm License (TFL) management units most affected by the MPB infestations.


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