Ministry of ForestsGovernment of British Columbia
Mountain Pine Beetles in British Columbia
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Life cyle of bark beetle Life cycle of mountain pine beetle.

Ministry of Forests

Bark beetle image from an electron microscope. Adult bark beetle image from an electron microscope

Photo by Leslie Manning, Canadian Forest Service

Larval stage

Photo by Dion Manastyrski, 
Ministry of Forests, southern Interior Forest Region

Larva and adult stage

Photo by Dion Manastyrski
Ministry of Forests, southern Interior Forest Region

Photo by Dion Manastyrski
Ministry of Forests, southern Interior Forest Region

Close up of adult beetle.

Photo by Canadian Forest Service

Close up of adult mountain pine beetle.

Photo by Dion Manastyrski
Ministry of Forests, southern Interior Forest Region

Close up of adult mountain pine beetle.

Photo by Dion Manastyrski
Ministry of Forests, southern Interior Forest Region

Close up of adult mountain pine beetle preparing to fly.

Photo by Dion Manastyrski
Ministry of Forests, southern Interior Forest Region

treetrnknewsm.jpg (3297 bytes) Trunk of lodgepole pine showing "pitch tubes" from a mountain pine beetle attack.  

Photo by Leo Rankin, 
Ministry of Forests, southern Interior Forest Region

Base of mass attacked lodgepole pine showing pitch tubes and frass.

Photo by Lorraine Maclauchlan, 
Ministry of Forests, southern Interior Forest Region

Base of lodgepole pine showing boring dust and frass.

Photo by Robert Hodgkinson, 
Ministry of Forests, Northern Interior Forest Region

Mountain Pine Beetle galleries with larva visible.

Photo by Robert Hodgkinson, 
Ministry of Forests, Northern Interior Forest Region

Mountain Pine Beetles in their galleries under the bark. Mountain pine beetle adults under the bark.

Photo by Canadian Forest Service

Aerial view of extensive attack by mountain pine beetle.

Photo by Lorraine Maclauchlan, 
Ministry of Forests, Southern Interior Forest Region

Aerial view of extensive attack by mountain pine beetle.

Photo by Lorraine Maclauchlan, 
Ministry of Forests, Southern Interior Forest Region

Aerial view of extensive attack by mountain pine beetle.

Photo by Lorraine Maclauchlan, 
Ministry of Forests, Southern Interior Forest Region

Aerial view of extensive attack by mountain pine beetle.

Photo by Lorraine Maclauchlan, Ministry of Forests, 
Southern Interior Forest Region

Ground view of crown of lodgepole pine killed by mountain pine beetle.

Photo by Lorraine Maclauchlan, Ministry of Forests, 
Southern Interior Forest Region

Ground view of crown of lodgepole pine killed by mountain pine beetle

Photo by Lorraine Maclauchlan, Ministry of Forests, 
Southern Interior Forest Region

Aerial view of extensive attack by mountain pine beetle.

Photo by Lorraine Maclauchlan, 
Ministry of Forests, Southern Interior Forest Region

Aerial view of extensive attack by mountain pine beetle.

Photo by Lorraine Maclauchlan, Ministry of Forests, 
Southern Interior Forest Region

Aerial view of extensive attack by mountain pine beetle.

Photo by Lorraine Maclauchlan, 
Ministry of Forests, Southern Interior Forest Region

Aerial view of extensive attack by mountain pine beetle.

Photo by Lorraine Maclauchlan, 
Ministry of Forests, Southern Interior Forest Region

Aerial view of attack by mountain pine beetle on a hillside.

Photo by Lorraine Maclauchlan, 
Ministry of Forests, Southern Interior Forest Region

Aerial view of small infestation

Photo by Canadian Forest Service

Ground shot of clump of Mountain Pine Beetle killed trees in Nelson region.

Photo by Robert Hodgkinson, 
Ministry of Forests, Northern Interior Forest Region

Salvage logging of beetle-killed trees Harvesting of mountain pine beetle-killed lodgepole pine.

Photo by Canadian Forest Service

Aerial view of trees under attack Aerial view of red foliage of lodgepole pine killed by mountain pine beetle.

Photo by Canadian Forest Service
