
Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2006


Introduction to the Estimates

Explanatory Notes

Summary Information

Estimates Accounting Policies and Presentation Changes

Estimated Statement of Financial Position

Estimated Statement of Operations

Estimated Surplus/(Deficit) Overview

Estimated Accumulated Deficit

Estimated Revenue by Source

Estimated Expense by Organization

Estimated Consolidated Revenue Fund Expense

Estimates of Special Offices, Ministries and Other Appropriations


Officers of the Legislature

Office of the Premier

Ministry of Advanced Education

Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries

Ministry of Attorney General

Ministry of Children and Family Development

Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services

Ministry of Education

Ministry of Energy and Mines

Ministry of Finance

Ministry of Forests

Ministry of Health Services

Ministry of Human Resources

Ministry of Management Services

Ministry of Provincial Revenue

Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General

Ministry of Skills Development and Labour

Ministry of Small Business and Economic Development

Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management

Ministry of Transportation

Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection

Management of Public Funds and Debt

Other Appropriations


A — Consolidated Revenue Fund Operating Expenses, Capital Expenditures and FTE Reconciliation - 2004/05

B — Special Accounts — Summary

C — Financing Transactions — Prepaid Capital Advances

D — Financing Transactions — Capital Expenditures

D1 — Financing Transactions — Capital Expenditures — Taxpayer-Supported Organizations

E — Financing Transactions — Loans, Investments and Other Requirements

F — Financing Transactions — Revenue Collected for, and Transferred to, Other Entities

G — Fulltime Equivalent Employment

H — Reconciliation of Surplus/(Deficit) to Change in Taxpayer-Supported Debt and Statement of Total Debt

I — Summary of Ministerial Accountability for Operating Expenses

J — Estimated Consolidated Revenue Fund Operating Result

K — Taxpayer-Supported Crown Corporations and Agencies — Estimated Revenues and Expenses

L — SUCH Sector and Regional Authorities – Estimated Revenues and Expenses

M — Estimated Revenue by Source

N — Estimated Expense by Function

Explanatory Notes on the Group Account Classifications